Show off your roosters

I almost lost my mario 2 days ago:

here he is today:
Glad you didn't! I lost Isidore last night.
I had Daisy and Bo, until Bo laid an egg.  Now Bo is Molly.  :D

Our grown Silkies are Diego, Dora, Daisy, and Donald. My wife keeps kids so she knows all the cartoon characters by name. She won't let Diego play with Daisy and Dora though cause he's from the wrong side of the tracks. I'm going to make our own chick flick based on Romeo and Juliet
Seeing all these roosters makes me miss my rooster :(. My old rooster was such a sweet heart, a Naked Neck Turken. He was so pretty, to! He was black and had shades of green, purple, and dark blues. I would totally get another rooster, but I don't think my new neighbors would like that very much.

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