"Show Quality" Naked Neck / Turken Body Type?


15 Years
Dec 14, 2007
Phoenix, AZ
Offshoot from another conversation on BYC - some of us were wondering - what does a "show quality" Naked Neck look like?

Curious on body, tail, etc.

I have a chicken project I am working on and found the Naked Necks from Privett Hatchery stock were a great addition.

But there are so many NN's strains, where someone takes one breed and then adds the Naked Neck to it - in which case it would be a Naked Neck Ameraucana, or a Naked Neck Orpington. I was wondering, what is the "original" true body type? Are there traits unique to the Turken that are not seen in RIR, Buff Rock, etc?

BTW the use of NN was great help here - pics show the original Privett Hatchery hens with Mottled rooster. I started with both hens at first and then worked with just the Buff Colombian one with the black tail and yellow legs. She is still in my flock.

(Above, hen today, she's older like 3 - 4 years at this point.)

And surprisingly one buyer of a hen of mine showed her at the fair, under the "Other" category (because this is not an approved color) and got a blue ribbon! Pretty neat.

Her grand-chick at the fair:

Been very happy with the Turken bloodline. Would love to see photos of show winners - Buff in particular!
I know this is an old thread, but I am interested in breeding quality NN as well. Haven't figured out where to get the stock from yet (all the hatcheries seem to have mixed flock colors, which I don't necessarily want), but I did want to get the body type, comb etc. down. If anybody has recommendations on where to get good stock as well, that would be great!
They are listed in the Standard of Perfection with a description of all the physical characteristics, and also there is a brief history of the breed. So if you don't have a Standard, that is a good book to buy. I found one for cheap at Goodwill, and they are not expensive if you buy older editions on Ebay.

The picture in my 1985 Standard shows a bird with tighter fitting plumage than yours, and longer tails that are raised at a little higher of an angle. They should be solid colors and have yellow legs.

Naked necks are good for meat because they are easy to pluck, having about half the feathers of other breeds, and I have read that naked necks are exceptionally resistant to poultry diseases, which may be a myth. They are also supposed to be good layers.

An internet search should provide a lot more information. You could look for the breed history, show quality naked necks, or whatever else came to mind.
Go to the APA website and look up an older version of the Standard and you can find the Naked Neck Standard which has not changed over the last several revisions. There is a breeder of them in Oklahoma, he has blacks and reds I believe, he shows at the Oklahoma State Poultry Federation show in Shawnee, OK each year in December, he is also a director for the state show.


I know this is an old thread, but I am interested in breeding quality NN as well. Haven't figured out where to get the stock from yet (all the hatcheries seem to have mixed flock colors, which I don't necessarily want), but I did want to get the body type, comb etc. down. If anybody has recommendations on where to get good stock as well, that would be great!

I know what you mean about the hatcheries having the mixed color's of the Naked Neck's. I'm going to try to see if the feed stores or places like TSC will have some of the lighter colored one's. The goal is to work toward's these that will have the lighter colored leg's, so I don't think the black ones or one's with the darker slate colored leg's will work.
I know what you mean about the hatcheries having the mixed color's of the Naked Neck's. I'm going to try to see if the feed stores or places like TSC will have some of the lighter colored one's. The goal is to work toward's these that will have the lighter colored leg's, so I don't think the black ones or one's with the darker slate colored leg's will work.
I think I found a source. https://hcfarm.com/collections/large-fowl-breeds/products/red-naked-neck-day-old-unsexed-chicks. He sells standard and bantam red naked necks. I ordered some standard ones for January, it will be really exciting when they arrive! He claims to breed quality birds, so hopefully I will be getting some better stock.

My TSC doesn't usually carry more 'exotic' breeds like the NN, but occasionally another feed store in town will (they get their chicks from Privett). That is where I purchased my one and only buff NN, but she is certainly not a quality one. It's interesting that this orangish/buff color is quite common with hatchery NN's, perhaps even the most common.

My goal is to breed to the SOP with an easier color first, and only then fiddle around with variations / different colors. Maybe a frizzle NN, or a colored egg laying NN.

The Aloha NN are interesting too, wishing you luck on that!
I think I found a source. https://hcfarm.com/collections/large-fowl-breeds/products/red-naked-neck-day-old-unsexed-chicks. He sells standard and bantam red naked necks. I ordered some standard ones for January, it will be really exciting when they arrive! He claims to breed quality birds, so hopefully I will be getting some better stock.

My TSC doesn't usually carry more 'exotic' breeds like the NN, but occasionally another feed store in town will (they get their chicks from Privett). That is where I purchased my one and only buff NN, but she is certainly not a quality one. It's interesting that this orangish/buff color is quite common with hatchery NN's, perhaps even the most common.

My goal is to breed to the SOP with an easier color first, and only then fiddle around with variations / different colors. Maybe a frizzle NN, or a colored egg laying NN.

The Aloha NN are interesting too, wishing you luck on that!

Good luck with yours also!
I ordered some NN chicks from Privett Hatchery and several have "slate" legs. Out of the 20 Privett chicks, 12 were black. I kept the remaining 8 that were lighter colored and they adult plumage is coming in still but several do look Buff. It's unfortunate about the Slate legs. I am concerned that out of all 8 of those chicks, perhaps only 2 of the 20 Privett chicks are going to end up the proper Buff with yellow leg color. Surely there has to be another hatchery with better "odds" of getting Buff with yellow legs than 2 out of 20 chicks?

I bought a few NN chicks from Tucson and I can't recall what the hatchery was (would have to look in past emails from the Craigslist seller) but I know it was one of the Midwest hatcheries and both of these chicks ended up a decent Red color but they both have white legs. I asked the seller for Buff with Yellow legs, but she forgot about yellow legs and brought up four chicks, two of which had slate and two had the white. I refused the slate legs but took the two white legged reds because other than the white legs they looked pretty decent, nice solid red colors.

So far the proper leg color has been elusive on ALL of these hatchery babies. If anyone else has ordered Naked Necks from a hatchery recently, it would be helpful if you could report in and tell us what the leg colors were? And did you get "standard" colors like red, buff, white, or black?

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