Show us your special needs chickens...:)

is Mike's and my baby. He had a rough go of it from egg 'til now. A series of unfortunate events resulted in brain damage that has lasting effects. I didn't think he would live, but Mike took over the job and pulled him through. I didn't think he would ever integrate back into a flock with normal birds, but he is the gentle (wobbly) leader of the group. I can't tell if he is coming of going, because of the way his brain damage effects his movement, but he is a good boy! He shouldn't have lived, and I don't think he should breed. I honestly haven't even seen him try (and I watch because I don't think it would be good genetically), but he is an integrated flock member and dedicated protector. He crows in the morning... he's a banty and it doesn't resonate as badly as full sized roos, so I haven't had a problem yet ( i have a back-up plan though). The only other time he gets uneasy and crows is when the sirens on the rescue vehicles are screaming....then it's only in daylight hours. Other than that he is asleep and doesn't make a peep. He is a good little boy!!!
a pic of my baby jack view of her less than perfect side

and her perfect side
This is Hoppy. I bought some turken hatching eggs from an auction earlier this year. Hoppy is the only one that hatched, the rest were quitters. Later I found out that my thermometer was wrong by 8 degrees, 99.5 degrees was actually 91.5 degrees, so I incubated them 8 degree less than they should have been....She hatched with this bum leg. She seemed to get around just fine on the one leg, so I didn't cull her. She's 9 months old in these pics that I took only a few days ago.

Her eyes are not messed up....I guess she's blinking in these pics.

I can't begin to imagine what wonderful lives these chickens must be living... You are such wonderful people to care for hurt or deformed animals. I only have two chickens and I would be devastated if anything happened to them... I'd probably end up just like you all, willing to care for an animal with a hurt leg, lost leg or any other deformity. Please keep on thinking this way.
Here is my boy Kernel a WL/EE cross, a raccoon broke into my run (in broad daylight) and carried him around the run by his head in its mouth blinding him in one eye, the other eye was later damaged when I tried to reintroduce him to the flock. But he can see a tiny bit and his now happily living with his three bantam cochins:
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i didn't know a coon would come out in daylight! what a special boy! i just love hearing these stories, that other people are as addicted to them normal or special!

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