Showgirl thread- for posting pictures and discussing breed!

Pumpkin is gorgeous! Congrats!

I had another F1 showgirl hatch today and it looks like Abraham Lincoln! LOL
It has sideburns and a beard! LOL

It's a little more complicated than that. Type is #1. Should resemble a silkie in all ways except for the naked neck. Wings should be tight, body compact, imaginary line straight from top of tail should bisect comb. Comb should be walnut, skin should be dark mulberry or black, should have good foot and shank feathering.

It's a little more complicated than that. Type is #1. Should resemble a silkie in all ways except for the naked neck. Wings should be tight, body compact, imaginary line straight from top of tail should bisect comb. Comb should be walnut, skin should be dark mulberry or black, should have good foot and shank feathering.

They should resemble a Silkie not a turken. But a Silkie with a naked neck. I have about 3 showgirls that look more turken in body shape than silkie body shape. People have been trying for years to get a standard on the showgirls, Bren and Inga have been working on them for about 5 yrs. from what I have read on their websites.
oh my goshhh ya'll have done it to me again..
. I have to add to my list..

I know I want blue and or lavander LF orphingtons.. and now.. I HAVE to have Show girls... and I am going to have to have show quality.. I am just so smittend by them..

oh this chicken math.. I have 21 now.. i wanted only 3 or 4.. just a couple pullets to lay eggs..

blessing to all and big smiles )O(
Hey there everybody. I just spent the last two days reading through all 77 pages of your amazing thread because my nine-year-old daughter saw a showgirl somewhere and has been BEGGING me to get her some! She has her own little "fun flock" of chickens, but they are just hatchery stock from Ideal. I did not realize that she could actually show the showgirls and I would LOVE to encourage her in that direction as she spends every spare second out in the coops taking care of her babies. My grandfather raised chickens and exotic birds his whole life and I have a passion for them, too. It appears that it must be generational, because chickens are "her thing" as well!

So you've hooked me with your adorable showgirls and I'm on board. My husband's headed to Lowe's tonight to build yet a 4th coop and run on our property! I breed Black Copper Marans and Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas and learned right off the bat how important it is to start with quality bloodlines. In these breeds, we have experienced and very reputable breeders that are known by all and we sometimes wait for long periods of time on waiting lists (even years) to get their stock! As I read through your thread-I don't see that sort of thing here. While that's a good thing, I'm not sure where to start. So I'll be completely honest and tell you what my situation is and what I'm after.

We're in a HOA, but have been given permission to have our chickens. That being said, I cannot have multiple pens everywhere to experiment and improve upon the birds due to the restrictions on how our propety "looks." So, I really need to purchase from someone who has already done a great job of producing lovely puffy showgirls. I'm looking for breeder quality. My flocks are tested regularly, so I need them to be NPIP or your state's equivalent in order to bring them into the state.

We love the blue/black/splash and or course the white showgirls. I believe I'm leaning towards the bearded. Somewhere in here I read to choose a showgirl rooster and breed him to high quality silkie hens. Since we're starting from scratch, I guess I need to find someone who can provide me with either one or both from lines that aren't too closely related.

We've had awful luck with shipped hatching eggs but we do have an awesome Dickey incubator in our favor. So, I guess I'm open to hatching eggs but I'd love to find someone who ships day-olds (from reading this thread that doesn't seem likely though) I'm open to well-behaved teens or young adults that my nine year old will be able to handle and enjoy but only from a breeder that has integrity and that will not take advantage of our lack of experience with the silkie breed.

Please feel free to name drop the most reputable silkie and showgirl breeders (even if it's yourself)

If you are one of those honest and reputable breeders and would like to help us get started, I'd greatly appreciate it!

Thanks y'all!

ETA: We're about an hour south of Houston, Texas
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