
sorry for your lost. I found a lady on here, Tootsie and got Showgirl eggs 18ct and 16 develope and 14 live little chicks the 2 died trying to get out of eggs so We look at it this way, 16 fertile and 14 live peeps. And there are so cute will try to post new pics on here.

Merry Christmas Everyone.
I have had a few hatch. I have a split lav that is blue but has a cross beak
its not too bad and I think it will get along just fine but I cant use it for breeding.

here is a blue partriage I think this too should be split to lav or possibly has a splash as the dady not sure which.


one of my up-and-comers that will be in the lavender project soon

And one from my white flock I am very pleased with her as well. these last 2 pics are a few months ol now so they both look even better now.


All of my SG originated from Angie these chicks being second generation using the pullets I kept from my hatch from her last feb.
Happy New Year every one. I had a very busy holiday with people coming and going including myself. I'd lose track of time and place.

Danny, I'm so sad about your lose, I had just clean out the brooding group (when I went on vacation, they all gone brooding, my helper claim the chicken hide their eggs from her), anyways, I should be getting eggs again soon.

What a great bird keeper you are AHappychick, seems like you do wonders with every chicken you raised, they look just lovely.

I was going to the Bluebonnet chicken classic to show my birds this weekend but the weather is going to be all time low here in Texas, I think I better stay put just incase, we have never had temperture in teens before, you guys probibly laugh when you hear this, but I'm not sure what I needed to do, any tips?

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