Sick Chick?


In the Brooder
Aug 6, 2015
United States,Kentucky
Hello. This morning I went into our garage, which is where we keep our brooder with two pullets (white crested black polish and black australorp). They're about 4 weeks old and the temperature is fine for them. It's just a little above 80. Anyways, I cleaned their brooder as I do every morning and I let them eat some chick feed out of my hand. I then realized that my Polish chick. Florence, making a raspy noise in her throat and she was occasionally sneezing
. However, other than that she was doing perfectly fine. She didn't feel at all cold, she was eating and drinking fine, and she was her normal cute self. Any ideas on what I should do for her? I let Florence and Gertrude (Australorp) play outside a little yesterday and it was above 80 degrees, so I don't think they could've caught a cold. Besides, I heard chickens don't get colds. I have some "SAVE-A-Chick" Probiotics and electrolytes. Should I add some to their water? I'm going to Tractor Supply later, is there anything I could get to help her feel better? I'm really worried. Thanks for the help, and sorry for giving you so much to read!
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Chickens do indeed get "colds", as in respiratory virus infections, just as we do, though not communicable from us to them and reverse.

It does sound like the early stages of a respiratory ailment, and it can kill. If it were my chick(s), I would get an all spectrum antibiotic and put it in their water, treating all of them as this could be contagious. You can buy this over the internet or get it from a vet or feed store. Follow directions for age and weight.
Chickens do indeed get "colds", as in respiratory virus infections, just as we do, though not communicable from us to them and reverse.

It does sound like the early stages of a respiratory ailment, and it can kill. If it were my chick(s), I would get an all spectrum antibiotic and put it in their water, treating all of them as this could be contagious. You can buy this over the internet or get it from a vet or feed store. Follow directions for age and weight.

Thanks! I'll definitely look into that

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