Sick Chicken, TWISTED neck!! Looking up at the sky =( Please Help!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Aug 14, 2011
Hi I have a sick chicken

Her neck is all bent out of shape, twisted, looking up at the sky!! I've seen 2 vets that suggested that we euthanize her and neither one will give me prednisone. (I read here:

that it can really help with this type of problem.) I understand it is very hard on the body...but if their conclusion is to put her down...shouldn't we try anything before giving up? (Especially since aside from the crooked neck she is not showing any signs of sickness) Anyway here is a little info on my chicken. She is a small bantam chicken, the size of a pigeon. Right now, she only weighs about 330 grams.
Here is a bit about her condition and a health log I have been keeping. The more this carries on, the more I feel like maybe this is just due to some kind of injury, since I don't seem to see the other symptoms that would come with the typical viral disease I see described online..etc... (The only thing that bothers me is how much she struggles once she takes a sip of water. You can read about that in the log) You tell me what you think......

This chicken just showed up at our house about 1 year ago. Since then she has been sick one time before this. She had Coccidia. She was treated and has done well ever since.

Last Saturday afternoon I noticed that my chicken was not looking too good, her comb was all shriveled up and it looked kind of pale in color (white in some spots, tiny little spots). This was not what alarmed me since she has been out of her element for a little while now since she is molting/ just about done molting. What alarmed me was the fact that she was kind of tilting her head to the side. I first thought I was just imagining it, but after a while (10 min) I decided that it is not normal and that I should not take any my husband and I hopped in the car and took Cici (the patient) to the vet. (by the way, we only have one chicken and she lives out on our balcony/ porch.. we live in an apartment. She has some dirt to dig through, and we line the floor with cardboard to ease cleaning. She has pine bedding in her little house where she roosts.)

Anyway, so we took her to the vet and they did some tests on her. She is not anemic as they suspected from her large weight drop since the last visit (she was roughly 500 grams about year ago), but they did find some coccidia, and that she is lacking/ or has very low levels of calcium.

They gave her fluids while she was there and a calcium supplement and Albon to take home and be administered orally every 12 hours.

When we got home and I set her back in her area - more like we brought her inside to keep her warm and so that we may control her environment better. (We settled her in the bathtub.... it is lined with towels for her comfort.
Anyway, once we set her down she looked DRASTICALLY WORST than before. Before taking her in, I seriously thought it was just my imagination that she was acting weird.. but now her head was REALLY tilting and she was loosing her balance!!! At first she could not even stand up right.

He Comb did look better, the color came back and is now red.... she did eat quite a bit, and she did drink quite a bit. She ate her scratch (we give her an assorted variety) and she had fresh lettuce and meal worms. I said, she was stumbling. After taking a drink, she would just stumble a little and her head looked like it was rolling back completely, like the weight of it was just too much for her neck to support. She was also stumbling and laying down more.
On Sunday, we took her to the vet again.

At the vet, we saw another doctor. They kept her in a quiet area with heat and oxygen while we waited to see the doctor for like 3 hours!!! Once the doctor saw her she was doing better already, she was standing though having trouble balancing. They gave her more fluids and added Baytril. They said that the fluids would make her balance problem worst, but that giving her the Baytril alone would cause her pain since she is very thin and does not have much muscle. We decided to just help her with her balance issue until the fluids they gave her are absorbed since I really wanted her to get an immediate dose of antibiotics. (in case this was a bacterial problem)
So for a while she was on Baytril, Albon, Panacur, and a calcium supplement. I also added some vitamins to her water. Agrilab Vitamins & Electrolytes Plus.

A week passed and all those medications ran their courses except for Baytril. (she was supposed to be for that for 14 days). She is no better. Her hear is twisting more and more! And it seems to be the only physical problem she is having. (OH... Also, while at the vet, they found some kind of growth on her... but they said it is not related and that we would deal with that once she was back on her feet. It is like a hard piece of fat or skin and has feathers coming out of it. It is located between her legs.)

So today, after reading that article on Crookneck (link posted above) I decided to go to the vet to show them the findings and get some prednisone. That is when the first vet said no. Because this could be viral problem and prednisone would shut down her immune system. (mind you before I talked to her about the predisone she was telling me to just put Cici down) So she refused to give me prednisone claiming that some fool on the internet suggested using that not knowing that it would be shutting off her entire immune system possibly allowing a virus to kill her if this was indeed a viral infection. Finally after seeing that we would not put her down today, she gave us metacam. We drove straight to another vet and same thing no prednisone. They added Flagyl and Septra/TMS to the mix and said to stop Baytril.

Based on what you've read so far, what do you think? What is her diagnosis? I am going to give her vitamin E and B and Selenium anyway, but with metacam...instead of Prednisone what do you think?? I fugure we'll do it the vet's way for now and if there is no improvement, I will FIND some prednisone eventually and do the treatment?!?!?!

I also struggle to figure out the dosage for a small bird of her weight. What exactly is a "squirt" of liquid vitamin B going to be for her? Also, Should I add to the mix??? will it help, or is that too many vitamins?

I dont want to give up on her yet because aside from the twisted neck she seems fine! Of course eating and drinking is very hard for her but when she can manage it she AVIDLY wants to eat and drink!! She is very enthusiastic about food and that is when she tends to be very alert and her head pops back as if there is nothing wrong with her. <--she really wants to drink but her head wont allow her to since each time she has a sip her head goes wild-like she is having a really bad ice cream headache

Please let me know any advice or recommendations you guys have.
Below is the log I have been keeping of Cici's health. (by the way yesterday was the first time in a week that she has tried standing up! she stood up 3 times! I know her neck looks me it still feels like there is hope)

Anyway, Check out the log and THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING THIS and for ANY advice you may have for us!

Cici’s Health Log

Sent at 11:00 AM on Monday

STATUS: Cici was laying down, head kind of twisted. I brought in some lettuce and dipped it in the vitamin water. She ate a little piece. I gave her some feed/ scratch. and she started digging through it and eating. She is sitting down and only using her head to eat. She is very weak trying to hold her head up right. I can see it shaking. As I am writing I can hear her still eating.

Sent at 11:11 AM on Monday
STATUS: She is still eating/ picking through the food. I will try and give her more lettuce and hope that she gets some of her water that way. I don’t know if opening the door to the bathroom made a difference, but she is looking better than earlier this morning.

Sent at 12:04 PM on Monday
STATUS: She was doing better. she tried to stand up and walk but she stumbled badly and fell back down. I am trying to not touch her too much, but it is hard because when she falls she lands in uncomfortable positions. I sent her up back in the circle towel. She is there resting now

Sent at 12:29 PM on Monday
STATUS: she is thirsty but is in pain or something when she drinks. It makes her head go crazy and she lets out little chirping sounds. She also gets weakened by the discomfort from trying to drink. I think I will give up on trying to let her drink on her own for now until her condition improves. I will just inject water down her thought for now… though I don’t want to stress her our either. I guess we will see how I decide to do this. She does sit upright now, but her head continues to jolt back and forth. After drinking water however, it turns completely upside-down.

Sent at 1:11 PM on Monday
STATUS: I just peeked in. She is sitting head looking a little better. She is alert.

Sent at 2:12 PM on Monday
STATUS: She is sitting up. More color has returned to her comb. She is picking through food on her own and ate some hand fed lettuce sprinkled with vitamin water. She cannot stand up. She loses balance and falls down, but is on soft towels so she does not get hurt. I do suspect some sort of vision impairment or lack of motor responses. Sometimes it is as if she does not see the food in front of hr. (though perhaps that could be attributed to lack of interest.) When she eats, her beak pecks at the food but it does not open. 1 or of 4 times she will successfully grab a piece of lettuce or a meal worm or some scratch.

Sent at 2:45 PM on Monday
STATUS: Heard a loud chirp. Went to check on her. She was a foot and a half from where she was when I left her before. I guess she tried walking and she stumbled and fell. I put her back in her coiled towel and she is resting now. Sad that she cannot walk, but a good sign that she is trying.

Sent at 3:29 PM on Monday
STATUS: Her condition is not good. She is resting. She seems very weak and her neck is still twisted. I did manage to get 3 mL of water into her by slowly (very slowly) draining the syringe near her beak. The doctor said that for her size she needs about 24mL per day
Sent at 3:46 PM on Monday
She is bothered. She lets out little chirps. I re-positioned her to rest better.

Sent at 4:01 PM on Monday
STATUS: Cici seems more bothered than before. She is resting but lets out solid long chirps (I would compare it to human sighing or moaning). I suspect the puts on a face for me when I am around, trying to act like she was eating when really head head was just hanging in the food bowl when I first peeked in. She does not have much strength though.

Sent at 4:26 PM on Monday
STATUS: I don't know if she is just too hot, or if she has a fever, but she opens her mouth when she breaths every now and then. I am very worried about this because it could be signs of some respiratory problem.

Sent at 4:49 PM on Monday
STATUS: I thought I heard a chirp, so I went to look at her. She is sitting again. She is drinking from her little area and she is eating. I am going to give her some lettuce covered in vitamin water.

Sent at 4:52 PM on Monday
STATUS: She is struggling. By the time I went back with the lettuce, she was passed out. She looks like she has neck spams and they tire her out. She got back up very soon (30 Sec) and ate the lettuce and some of her scratch, but it tired her out and she went back down to rest. She moves her head while resting and it causes the rest of her body to more as well. When that happens, she lets out little chirps.

Sent at 5:07 PM on Monday
STATUS: she is eating nicely

Sent at 5:13 PM on Monday
STATUS: Went to check on her and readjusted her position. Tried to give her some water but she went into crazy head spasms and little chirps so I gave up and just set her up to rest.

Sent at 6:33 PM on Monday
STATUS: She keeps moving around from the positions I leave her in. She ends up head down, and tilted to the left. I am not sure if I should move her anymore...

Sent at 7:19 AM on Tuesday
STATUS: I checked in on her overnight a few times. Each time she was sleeping, her head tilted to the left and looking very uncomfortable. Right now, she is still sleeping in that same way.

Sent at 10:28 AM on Tuesday
STATUS: I gave Cici her meds. She complained while getting them. Then I slowly gave her 3 ml of water to get her going today. I moved her to her new home, along with the heater and the humidifier. She started out pretty unaware but eventually came around. She ate some of her scratch, some lettuce and some banana. She seemed to really like the banana.

Sent at 10:40 AM on Tuesday
STATUS: Her Crest is looking better a lot more plump, but I am worried sick because she is trying to stand or move or her head is bothering her and she keeps twisting around and falling head first to the ground. She was also gasping for air!!! I am not sure if the gasping is because she is tired or stressed, but it bothers me.

Sent at 10:42 AM on Tuesday
STATUS: Ah~ the moving around was her trying to get up to poop. This is the third poop of the day

Sent at 11:28 AM on Tuesday
STATUS: she woke up, tried to eat, could not decide what to go for before her hear started twisting and went back down

Sent at 11:39 AM on Tuesday
STATUS: She has been eating/ going at it for the past 10 min or so. Her hear only rolled back 2 to 3 times.

Sent at 12:05 PM on Tuesday
STATUS: She is still eating. Her comb looks better now. Her head is not as severely twisted and her other eye opens more as well, however, she still has no balance and cannot stand. She just finished eating, her neck must be tired from eating because it is rolling back a lot more now than while she was eating. She just tried standing up but was not able to and chirped out in discomfort from loosing balance while trying.

Sent at 12:08 PM on Tuesday
STATUS: She is now resting, her head is a little better, slightly tilted to the left but still twists to look up at the sky sometimes.

Sent at 1:06 PM on Tuesday
STATUS: She is resting at the moment, but is sitting upright and her head is a little tilted to the left.

Sent at 2:35 PM on Tuesday
STATUS: She is passed out, sleeping in the same position as a while back: neck twisted

Sent at 3:53 PM on Tuesday
STATUS: She chirped and moved her wings. I went to check and sure enough there was poop. She is pooping a lot more today than the other days. Now she is eating again.

Sent at 3:56 PM on Tuesday
STATUS: She has trouble eating sometimes. She makes a tapping kind of noise and as her head rolls back. After that she gets tired and needs to rest.

Sent at 6:45PM on Tuesday
STATUS: She looks weak. Sleeping with her head tilted to the left.

Sent at 9:55 PM on Tuesday
STATUS: I messed up! When I was giving her the medicine, Minnie (our dog) jumped up and knocked my hand. I pulled the syringe out a little and the liquid was still coming out so I am really worried that it went down the wrong hole. After that she was kind of gasping and would make sounds like a person with a stuffed nose whenever I gave her even the tiniest droplet of water. I stopped giving her anything and let her rest

Sent at 11:00 PM on Tuesday
STATUS: Cici just started going crazy, her head twisting very far back, and her legs spazing. I picked her up because I noticed she did poop. While in my hand with her legs dangling, she was fine, but as soon as I set her down, her legs would spasm.

Sent at 12:52 PM on Wednesday
STATUS: When she poops she gets all bent out of shape. It looks like it hurts, and it probably does since there is not blood in her poop. This is the first time I see blood!

Sent at 10:57 AM on Wednesday
STATUS: Cici is looking weak. She is resting and struggles to move around when she needs to poop. Hear head is tilted to the left, almost looking up at the sky. There was no blood in her overnight poop. I am going to give her some water.

Sent at 11:45 AM on Wednesday
STATUS: Cici does not seem to be doing as well as yesterday. She is not able to left her head. When she does, she twitches, struggles, cries out and goes back down to rest. She is also twisting hear head more, almost looking up towards the sky.

Sent at 12:47PM on Wednesday
STATUS: I think she is having runny poops but I am not sure since I dont really know where to draw the line between normal and runny. There are solid contents to it. I put some water into her using a syringe. She is still very thirsty though. I have her some water to drink at her own will. She is really doing for it, but every gulp really knocks her out! Her head goes down after every drink and she becomes tired and gasps. I feel like this is really an ear problem or something. Right now, she is eating and drinking but she is having a lot of difficulty since the water makes her go nuts

Sent at 1:07 PM on Wednesday
STATUS: I went and got her some lettuce a little while ago, gut when I came in, she was passed out. I left it on the side. She woke up and saw and GOT UP AND WALKED to is to eat it!!!! She stood up! She was having problems balancing and after eating for a little bit fell back down and is now resting.

Sent at 2:10 PM on Wednesday
STATUS: She is fussing around, struggling to stand up. She eats, but mostly craves water. Every time she drinks her head falls to the ground. (Kind of like getting an ice cream headache.) Once it passes she gets back to it. Sometimes, very rarely she gets a sip of water and it does not make her go down.

Sent at 2:29 PM on Wednesday
STATUS: She stood up again, then sat back down, and is now resting. I took away the water because she was only drinking and it caused her pain and she would not get much food in after that.

Sent at 5:48 PM on Wednesday
STATUS: Not much change in her condition. I am giving her bread soaked with water, it is a little easier for her to handle. She is VERY thirsty! ....but drinking water just takes her down right away.

Sent at 3:15 AM on Thursday
STATUS: Cici was sleeping and started tossing and making a lot of noise. She was struggling and started to cry out. She eventually was able to get a bloody poop out. There seems to be twice as much blood in tonight's poop than in last night's poop. I did give her some aspirin tonight, so maybe that had some effect.

Sent at 10:19 AM on Thursday
STATUS: Cici is starting to wake up, but still looks sleepy and weak.

Sent at 11:20 AM on Thursday Aug 11
STATUS: If feels like she is tilting more than the day before. She is also having more trouble eating. Her head rolls back and goes down now even after solid food and she has more trouble bringing it back up.

Sent at 12:10 PM on Thursday Aug 11
STATUS: She ate a little and then pooped. I feel like her poops are getting more watery and have less of a solid consistency. She may have diarrhea.

Sent at 12:24 PM on Thursday
STATUS: She is sitting upright. She stood up and re-positioned herself. This is the second time she stood up today. However, she chocked on a grain and struggled to spit it back out. Then she went down for rest.

Sent at 4:24 PM on Friday Auf 12
STATUS: She is sleeping. Head pointed to the sky
(. I have been giving her water while she sleeps, she is more calm and can handle it better. No bloody poop tonight.
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At the top of this forum there is a sticky called "Have an Emergency / Disease? Please read first!". This link has a list of things that you should answer when posting in this forum as it will give your 'helpers' as much needed information as possible.
Give us the following information. The more you tell us, the better we will be able to help you.

1) What type of bird , age and weight.
2) What is the behavior, exactly.
3) How long has the bird been exhibiting symptoms?
4) Are other birds exhibiting the same symptoms?
5) Is there any bleeding, injury, broken bones or other sign of trauma.
6) What happened, if anything that you know of, that may have caused the situation.
7) What has the bird been eating and drinking, if at all.
8) How does the poop look? Normal? Bloody? Runny? etc.
9) What has been the treatment you have administered so far?
10 ) What is your intent as far as treatment? For example, do you want to treat completely yourself, or do you need help in stabilizing the bird til you can get to a vet?
11) If you have a picture of the wound or condition, please post it. It may help.
12) Describe the housing/bedding in use

So let's mark off the things you have answered and see what else we need to know.

Give us the following information. The more you tell us, the better we will be able to help you.

1) What type of bird , age and weight: Bantam hen, at least 1 year old, 330 grams
2) What is the behavior, exactly.: Twisted neck/star gazing, weakness (?)
3) How long has the bird been exhibiting symptoms? Approx. 1 week
4) Are other birds exhibiting the same symptoms? N/A
5) Is there any bleeding, injury, broken bones or other sign of trauma.: None known
6) What happened, if anything that you know of, that may have caused the situation. Unknown
7) What has the bird been eating and drinking, if at all. ???? Scratch, mealworms, lettuce???? Any FOOD???
8) How does the poop look? Normal? Bloody? Runny? etc. ????
9) What has been the treatment you have administered so far?Vet administered fluids, Baytril, Albon, calcium
10 ) What is your intent as far as treatment? For example, do you want to treat completely yourself, or do you need help in stabilizing the bird til you can get to a vet?Assuming vet since you already have
11) If you have a picture of the wound or condition, please post it. It may help.??
12) Describe the housing/bedding in usePine shavings/open coop

So you've answered most of them, if you answered the rest I didn't see because your post is very long
What feed is she eating? Are you giving her any 'real' food, like layer crumbles or flock raiser? Chickens love scratch grains, but scratch is basically like feeding your kids crackers...sure they'll eat it, but it does almost nothing for them other than making them feel full. I saw one part that said you think her poops are more watery than normal, where are you located and how's the temps been? If she's not eating properly and drinking lots of water, it would probably make her lose weight and have runny poops since their 'urine' and 'feces' is combined. Does she lay eggs? Are her eggs normal? If she doesn't, and she's obviously over 1 year old, there is something wrong because she should

The site you linked to (and the person who wrote it) is very good information but the suggestions on that page are for birds who have this caused from injury. The #1 breed that comes to mind where this would apply are silkies since they have part of their brains 'exposed' when they are little, making injury very easy to accomplish. Prednisone is a steroid used for inflammation, so if your bird is not injured it probably wouldn't help her at all.​
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This is hard. We had a silkie with crookneck (or wry neck) and it took weeks to get her better.

I got lots of help from others on this forum, which was good because I was new to chicken living! It's the folks here, and their knowledge and support, that saved her life! Here is the link.

We never did find the actual cause, but thankfully she came through ok.

I can't tell her from our others now!

Hang in there Good luck with your little lady! Hope she does ok.
1) What type of bird , age and weight:
Bantam hen, at least 1 year old, 330 grams

2) What is the behavior, exactly.:
Twisted neck/star gazing, weakness , loss of balance, unable to walk, (the neck is twisting more and more, to the point that she is trying to do a 360 or tuck it under her body!) She had coccidia, but it was treated. She also has a lump low on her body between the legs ( ) <-this wide and ( ) <--this long.... but the vet said it was not something we should worry about at this point as she feels no pain from it. Also, she has not been laying, not for some time, but we thought that it was because she has been molting and was still in the process of molting when this was set on.

3) How long has the bird been exhibiting symptoms?
Approx. 1 week

4) Are other birds exhibiting the same symptoms?
N/A-we only have 1 bird

5) Is there any bleeding, injury, broken bones or other sign of trauma.:
None known- we've done a blood test and a poop test, but no x-rays (would that help? doing x-rays?)

6) What happened, if anything that you know of, that may have caused the situation.
Unknown for the most part. I did smell bleach one day near our apartment. I know the cleaning staff uses that to clean the pathways sometimes so maybe some of that may have gotten in the soil that she dug through. We told the vet this but they did not seem to give it much thought.

7) What has the bird been eating and drinking, if at all.
Shea eats and drinks with a great appetite and enthusiasm, but struggles because of the twist in her neck. She disentangles her neck when she eats and appears very normal, like there is nothing wrong, however, after some chowing down, she will "chock" on a grain and that will bring her head tumbling down. Also, water is a HUGE deal breaker. She is very thirsty and tries to drink but each little tiny sip of water makes her head go insane, I can only describe it as an ice cream headache. She lays her head down , rests for a few seconds and then she is back at trying to eat. As for WHAT she has been eating: Scratch, mealworms, layers mash, high octane (fish oil) grains...and a mix of pellets <--I try and get whatever variety is available at the feed store. As for "real" food she gets lots of lettuce and fresh corn, and every now and then maybe once a week or so she'll get grapes, strawberries, watermelon). Since she has been sick we've given her bananas, honey, scrambled eggs, baby apple sauce <---she is not a big fan of this last one. Oh we've also given her whole grain bread dipped in vitamin water, because it is a way for her to take in water without her head going crazy. I have been giving her water by syringe- placing it near her beak one tiny drop at a time. This works better when she is resting/ sleeping, she does not seem as bothered by it.

8) How does the poop look? Normal? Bloody? Runny? etc.
She has literally had them all! The bloody poop only happened twice the entire time she has been sick. They happened late at night like 2 am. Most recently she had 2 poops that were soft almost diarrhea like. (She did get tube fed at the vet today and she did get fluids as well so that may be a result of the tube feeding. (she also ate her usual when she got home). Aside from that, her poops have been what I would call normal. She has also had some where there is a normal solid, but then a LOT of water/ urine that came with it.

9) What has been the treatment you have administered so far?
We've seen 2 vets. (we were hoping that the second one would be more experienced treating birds) Regardless, the treatment so far has been as follows: Vet administered fluids (today was her third time getting fluids), Albon (for 5 days-finished), Panacur Suspension (for 5 days- finished), Neo-Calglucon Syrup (calcium) (for 7 days so far-ongoing), Baytril (for 6 days, the vet switched antibiotics today and had us stop giving Baytril. As of today: She is on Metacam-vet did not specify for how long (I'll call to check-but I suspect they don't expect her to make it so they did not bother with a time frame), Septra/TMS (every 12 hrs), Flagyl (every 12 hrs), again no specific time frame, this vet actually told us there is no point in giving a time frame but lets just say 5-7 days. We've also put her on vitamin E, B and Selenium

10 ) What is your intent as far as treatment? For example, do you want to treat completely yourself, or do you need help in stabilizing the bird til you can get to a vet? Assuming vet since you already have...
Our intent is for Cici to LIVE LONG AND PROSPER!!
But for short term...We want to treat her as best we can, with the assistance of a vet, with the assistance of anyone that can assist us! We want to see her healthy and walking again. From here I need help to see if we are making the right decisions along that way. What are we dealing with? should we use steroids or not? Will metacam do anything from what others have experienced? Am I giving the medicine orally in the right place? (I am terrified of sending things to her lungs!) Are we overdosing her on vitamins? What can we do to help her drink better or straighten her neck back up?

11) If you have a picture of the wound or condition, please post it. It may help.
They are sad....but.....I have pictures and videos how can I post? I will look into that...

12) Describe the housing/bedding in use:
She lives out on our balcony/ porch.. we live in an apartment. She has some dirt to dig through, and we line the floor with cardboard to ease cleaning. She has pine bedding in her little house where she roosts. Since she has been sick she has been living indoors. I have her in the bedroom/computer room/ everything room since we have a small place. We have a heater going next to her and a humidifier. We keep the window open for fresh air. <---let me know if that should change. (the thermometer near her reads 27.7 degrees Celsius aka 81, almost 82 Degrees Fahrenheit. (is that too hot? I read somewhere that if they have watery poops it is because they are hot?!?) We have her in a low, open, cardboard box, laced with towels. She rests on a coiled towel that is laced with a piece of shower curtain (new) and then paper towels. I keep her on the paper towels because she poops a LOT and I try and change it after every poop, since she does not move much and I don't want her sitting in her own poop. I put the plastic in to keep the towel below from getting wet/ moldy since she poops so much.

Thank you Shellyed2008 for letting me know about the question. In my haste, it was difficult to focus on formalities/ I did not even notice.

The latest development is that her neck is twisting ever more. She is doing a 360 how and it looks soooo uncomfortable! As we were walking out of the vet's office today, the vet mentioned that one of the side effects of the medicine she prescribed (I think it was the Flagyl) has neurological side effects. My jaw kind of dropped and my head filled with questions but she was clearly throwing us out because they were officially closed. She said "obviously if you see any drastic changes stop...or call us... I dont remember what she said.) The only problem is that I am not sure if what I am seeing at the moment (the progression of the twisting) is a result of the Flagyl that was just giving 5 hours ago (and she was twisting this much even 1 hour after the medication) or if this is just the course of the progression of this condition.
I will say this much, although her head is twisting more, her body seems stronger. She kicks more and uses her winds- flaps, stretches. So I am confused and torn!!

Let me know if more information is needed and know that any advice you give is truly taken to heart.

Thank you everyone for taking the time to write!​
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I've just started giving her vitamin B tonight. But I am not sure what the dose should be all I saw was " a squirt" much is that for a 330 gram chicken? Her next dose is in the morning.
But her condition is changing. Her neck is doing a full 360 now and when I help her come back to face in the proper direction she starts pushing her legs so as to move backwards!! I am really scared!! Is it the Flagyl causing this or is this what would have happened anyway?? What is behind all this? I feel like at this point I've just about hit her with every possible medication so why does it persist?? When do I know that it is not a viral thing or a fungal or bacterial thing and just treat it as an injury and give prednisone a try....if I even should....?!??!?!!
I am panicking people!
The only twisted neck chicken I had was from head trauma - I am assuming yours is a vitamin a deficiency from what everyone is posting. If it's from head trauma, you can only wait til it gets better. You will need to massage her neck to get her to eat without choking.
A squirt is probably an eye dropper full, but you will have to massage her neck to get it down all the way. This will most likely not be a one-day fix, it will take time, sometimes weeks to get better.

Dawg53 is VERY knowledgable on chicken health issues, you may want to PM him for help
I've read that something like this can take years to fix....but I am willing to do the work so long as she get better/ lives
but right now she is twisting so bad it is SCARY!!!! how can I stop it/ what can I do??

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