Sick Chicken, TWISTED neck!! Looking up at the sky =( Please Help!

Thank you....
I hope she makes it as well...

Here is an update...
I went to the vet today. She had not pooped in 24 hours.. I am not vet, but I know that what goes in must come out. Anyway he emptied the poop. She had a lot, and it was diarrhea so he put her on Mycostatin 2x per day for 6 days, in case she is having an yeast problem because of being on antibiotics. He told me that it would not affect her, because it just flushes through the body. (I guess at this stage I want her off everything and just give her body a chance to recover) The vet insisted that she remain on Albon. He said it was one of the safest drugs out there.... I guess I will leave her on it?!?! 6 more days, and then we will be sure that the Coccidia is not working against us. He checked her and she has maintained her weight since the last time we saw him. (which is not a lot, but it is good considering the rate at which she was loosing weight before.) He also said that she seems to be well hydrated...He also check her eyes (I asked him to because since she has had them shut for so long, there is like a gooey film in them and it scares me)..he guessed that she had lost her vision..but the eye was still responsive. (I cant wait for her to open her eyes again and become the happy chicken I know!)
Anyway... he is convinced that she has Merek's... I myself am not so sure. She is not paralyzed...and does not really show any of the symptoms usually associated with the disease....but what do I know. All I can do is give her the best supportive care that I possibly can..and pray for a miracle!
Her head is still twisted...
and it trebles or tremors...well it is more like swaying back and forth...:\\
Cici..please get better!!!

Oh... her crop is slow to empty.... any advice on how I can help her???
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She looked strong today... like she was going to make it......then..over a single moment of inattention....
We lost her........
.... I really felt like she was coming back around...she was more aware of sounds going on around her....she was trying to stand up all day..but would roll over....her eyes still closed...but trying to open them.. ...she did that (rolled over) and no one got her in time and she mush have choked... either that... or she had some sort of heart attack......whatever it was.... when I picked her up she was incredibly stiff, her little legs fully I touched her... trying to see if she was ok...and to massage her muscles so they would relax ....the contents of her crop came out .....
it was horrible.....
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I am sorry for your loss, I think she had some kind of seizure, I don't think there was anything you could have done. You did all you possibly could have, and more -she was a very lucky bird to have had people who cared about her so much

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