Sick Chicken, TWISTED neck!! Looking up at the sky =( Please Help!

Someone told me that if it was Botulism, she would have been gone already...

She is looking terrible... I am going to go somewhere and cry...
but I'll keep checking here in case anyone knows anything about
Colloidal Silver and Bovine Colostrum last hope..
ChickieBooBoo...your avatar looks scary....hehe and so does your post!


It is not that I want to see her like this...we struggle with this decision every second!!! And, if it makes you feel better, whatever amount you think she is suffering, we are suffering many more times over. I just want to give her a fighting chance. It has only been 12 days and for most of those days she was looking pretty good. She was avid about eating and fighting through this. So I decided to fight with her. I took of work and have been proving support 24/7 (when I sleep my hubby takes over). We only have 1 chicken....not 5 or 12 or 43.....just ONE. We want to try all we can before giving up. Sometimes we get sick, sometimes we brush shoulders with death...the only thing we can do is tell him..."Not Today" and hope that he accepts that. I mean we don't give up on humans so easy (I can just imagine a gunshot victim being brought into the ER, doc says "let him stand on his own feet" - victim falls over- doc says "Oh sorry he is too far gone to bother trying to save him") so why do almost all sick chickens go to the chopping block? Why is it so ridiculously hard to get anyone of our so called friends, and family and coworkers, and vets to feel ANY compassion for chickens? They all look at it as a joke, a salad topping!!!! Maybe if more vets educated themselves on chicken health (after all PETCO has books on pet chickens, so chicken are recognized as pets!) then these poor creatures would have more of a shot! Right now all I see vets doing is stabbing in the dark as if I brought in some unidentified species from the amazon! <---sigh....just a personal rant!

Anyway, I have been scavenging this forum and found 3 things I want to try. Colloidal Silver, Bovine Colostrum, and Hypericum. I just need to find out if they can be given simultaneously and what the doses are. I read about Hypericum and have the dose for that, I just need the other 2. Cici is 300 grams. If anyone knows anything or wants to share some stories about these medicines, I am all ears.

Thank YOU!

I understand where your coming from, I have a lot of birds though so I wouldn't be spending so much time on one bird. They are my pets, but I can't afford to bring them all to the vet when they get sick.

I hope she makes it.
Hope I understood your small hen's problem.
Is there a possibility that a astandard - sized rooster might be trying to breed with this little hen, and during his excitement, cause some injury to her back or neck?
Good luck with your hen!
this is the only bird they have, so unless a rooster was able to fly in one night and disappear after the deed, i doubt it...
Like JayneMae chance. I dont think she has been raped on my porch unless one of my neighbors got kinky one night...Sigh...I only have her, and the top of the porch is closed off with a bird net.

She pooped only 3 times since Tuesday morning.

I really want to try the Colloidal Silver, Bovine Colostrum, and Hypericum (I already started her on this last one)...and see if it works before it is too late!!! I just dont know if I can mix them or how much to give
have you tried googling them? the info has to be somewhere out there, even if nobody here is able to offer any info on them...
Poor little lady.
She's beautiful!
I really hope she pulls through.
Her face looks she has a great personality.
Best of luck!
I'm sorry I have no advice to give, but it sounds like you guys are doing a great job.
Sorry about your vet troubles...I know how it goes. I have no avian vets near me and no one can even venture a guess when I call with a question.

I'm sending allllll my hugs!

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