Sick Chicken


In the Brooder
6 Years
Sep 21, 2013
We have a white leghorn hen who is just under a year old. She's been a great layer and the leader of our flock. Almost a week ago she laid a soft shelled egg. We didn't think much about it but the last few days she doesn't seem to be herself. She's still eating and drinking but her comb is a little floppy and she seems a bit lethargic. Plus she hasn't laid any eggs since then. Her poop is normal. Anyone have any idea what may be wrong with her?
If it is a stuck soft shelled egg how do we go about removing it? She's eating and drinking this morning, poop is normal. Last night she escaped her pen and the backyard and we found her in the coop with the others, so she's ded got some spunk. Would it be worth it to give her Duramycin, in case she's got something else going on?
What's the best way to give her calcium? She has oyster shell mixed with her food and in a dish. We also have her some Nutri-Drench yesterday.

Best to offer oyster shell in a dish next to their lay crumbles or lay pellets. To give calcium to a hen with a stuck egg, I give liquid calcium gluconate orally, or sometimes I give them a human calcium pill orally.

Are you feeding layer feed or scratch?

I found liquid calcium gluconate that is touted for milk fever in cattle. Can we give her this orally? If so how much? Do we mix it in her water or give straight with a syringe?

23%? If so, it's what I use and I give 0.2 ml per pound orally (five pound hen would get 1 ml) Refrigerate after opening.

Can you put on a rubber glove and poke a finger inside her vent 1 inch or so to feel for a stuck egg? Make sure that she is eating some crushed oyster shell or crushed egg shells for extra calcium which should strengthen the shells. Broken eggs inside her can lead to egg yolk peritonitis, and internal laying can also be common. Make sure that she is eating and drinking, and look at what her droppings are doing.
So far she's eating and drinking. I fed her an egg with buttermilk and she ate every last drop. Poop looks normal from what I can tell. I did a thorough exterior check of her and didn't feel any eggs but I'll put on a glove and see if we find anything.
I poked a finger inside her vent about an inch...didn't feel anything. We put oyster shell in with her food and gave her a small bowl of it as well. Guess we will see how she is in the morning
Stuck soft shelled eggs are hard to feel, but they can be felt. Stuck soft shelled eggs are also much harder for a hen to pass. I'm not saying she has a stuck soft shelled egg, just that it's something to consider.

If it is a stuck soft shelled egg how do we go about removing it? She's eating and drinking this morning, poop is normal. Last night she escaped her pen and the backyard and we found her in the coop with the others, so she's ded got some spunk. Would it be worth it to give her Duramycin, in case she's got something else going on?

When my have a stuck soft egg I tube fluids to them, give calcium and place them in a bathroom full of steam. I would not start on Duramycin.

What's the best way to give her calcium? She has oyster shell mixed with her food and in a dish. We also have her some Nutri-Drench yesterday.

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