Sick chicken


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 10, 2014
My friend has a very sick red female chicken. She will not move and will not eat or drink. She's about 2 years old. I'm not by her right now. I'm just relating all this information. Can anyone give me ideas on what's wrong with her.
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How long has this been happening? Any wounds, trauma, new birds, feed changes, what's the birds poop look like, when was the last egg laid, how's the crop look? Any bad smells, nasal discharge, runny eyes?
Good luck to your friend and the hen...
I will ask him for more info. No feed changes. No new birds. No sores. She's just laying there all puffed up.
So much more info is needed. There are many, many things this could be. Has she been checked carefully for mites/lice? Has she ever been dewormed? How is her body condition, is she thin? Check her lower abdomen, see if she feels bloated or swollen there. Has she been a regular layer up to this point?
I'm trying to get more info from him now. He says so far that she is laboring to breathe. Eyes are closed and no discharge from her nose. As soon as he gets back to me I'll post it. Thanks so far.
He just said it's been going on for about 2 weeks now. She was bloated but now thin. Very runny poop.

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