Sick ducks? Help! Newbie!

I think she has something still in her foot.

Please read Post 19 of this

Epsom salt has a reputation for drawing things out of a wound. Romy had a similar problem and I took her to a chicken vet who was good at getting splinters out, and she got the tiniest little splinter out of the top of Romy's foot. It was amazing.

I have used Epsom salt to pull a deep splinter out of my own heel. I made a poultice and wore it for a couple of days.
Thank you Miss Lydia! Can I get the penicillin powder at the tractor supply store? If so, what strength? And what is the dosage calculation? Lily's foot continues to remain swollen and no egg yesterday or today but she is not limping and seems to act ok but i know she can't possibly be feeling well. Her foot is warm to touch. The boy's foot is starting to swell where I got the thorn out. He is very sensitive to me trying to squeeze it. Lily isn't. I am concerned that Lily's foot needs to be opened to get whatever out but how much can I do before we are talking sutures?
Thank you Miss Lydia! Can I get the penicillin powder at the tractor supply store? If so, what strength? And what is the dosage calculation? Lily's foot continues to remain swollen and no egg yesterday or today but she is not limping and seems to act ok but i know she can't possibly be feeling well. Her foot is warm to touch. The boy's foot is starting to swell where I got the thorn out. He is very sensitive to me trying to squeeze it. Lily isn't. I am concerned that Lily's foot needs to be opened to get whatever out but how much can I do before we are talking sutures?
Can you get a pic of her foot and the boys too? also looked on TSC web site they only carry Pen G which I don't think you should use, I looked on the med chart I have it recc. Pen V and you can get it through Twin City Poultry

it says it treats blood born infections from cuts and scrapes. you maybe able to find it local or call this vet back and see if they keep it in supply. Is lily's foot showing a blk scab? and can you get some colorless Iodine from walmart or most pharmacies you can start treating her on the outside with that. Did you soak their feet and legs in warm ES water?
Been doing the ES soaks twice a day. No black scab just ran/brown but foot pad much larger than other foot. Warm to touch but not red. No limp. Using triple abx ointment at night and a little A&D on rest of feet. (Didn't want to dry out the feet from warm soaks.) I have on hand gentian Violet and new skin but haven't used. I've used peroxide when it was scab was not set. Will post a pic when I get home. Thinking it needs to be treated from the inside out or lanced open. When I got the thorn out a kernel came after it then yellow sticky and stinky drainage and brownish blackish drainage. No cottage cheese. Have not attempted to go further/deeper since scab formed. The boy won't let me squeeze on his but I got a smaller thorn out with a tiny kernel and no drainage but now he is swelling at the site.
I agree with Miss Lydia. Rather than thinking about cutting the feet, I would be planning to use something that draws things out - that is why I offered the link that explains how that works - have you read that?

I would also soak with Epsom salt, apply clear iodine, and get ahold of the appropriate oral antibiotic. Some have successfully used Duramycin.
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I think you are way over supplementing your ducks, and causing them to be susceptible to all this.. most combinations and about over half alone would cause diarrhea ect.. first take them all off all that and just put on "co-op" brand chick starter (its unmedicated and has enough niacin as switched my adults and ducklings to from "dumar" brand and stopped diarrhea and niacin difficiency trouble), if you may have to supply calcium free choice option for your layers, otherwise it seemed better for my laying scovy mother than the layer (i sometimes supply only rinsed dried crushed egg shells for extra calcium). second put all on "pro bios". third dry out one foot at a time, then stretch around bumble spot till the crud loosens up. then dig out with nail, dull pocket knife or tweezers. use a syringe to suck rest out, then flush with city water, dry and apply cheap NON pain reliever antibiotic ointment, then use super glue ect. if you can obtain vet glue you could just use that to treat and seal wound after cleaning out and drying, its pricy but worth it! with cold they are choosing to eat a cup of scratch each sometimes instead before bed, otherwise mine free range mostly (fav foods are fire antspoison oak, ticks, hornets ect, flies, mosquitoes, small rodents and dandilion greens. they'll eat anything though that they can tear apart).

I'm poor and disabled so don't like a lot of funding or trouble or hassle to do things. I've had success with mine in my area and my methods have had great results that maybe just luck or grace of the gods, but seen results to trouble of no more in days. most of what ive learned of poultry I've learned on here from some of above great people who posted before me. also look in the "illnesses and diseases "part on here, before you give up on keeping ducks, as runners and khaki campbell/welsh harliquin, are supposedly the hardist commercial pet ducks i think. Good luck!
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Thanks for everyone's input and advice. I was going to start the potato mash BUT I took a look at her foot and made the bold choice not to do anything 2 nights ago and yesterday morning Lily's foot looked better! Yay! (Vet said no Bumblefoot but poss infection due to thorn when we saw him) This morning her foot doesn't look worse but swelling decreasing. So as an RN with prev vet asst background I'm conservative with treatment and want her body to heal itself. Since I have seen an improvement I'm going to do nothing. The only reason I was pretty aggressive before was that she was limping, the amount of crud I got out was crazy, and that was before the increase in swelling! In most cases no matter what living creature you are, but when you get the object out and rid the area of pus and garbage swelling will temp increase but decrease faster if all is clear. Lily's didn't. Even after a few days which is why the increase for concern.
As for their diet, I don't feel we are over supplementing. Layer feed for layers, flock raiser for 2 month olds. 1/2 gallon a day in a bucket of vitamin water for all 8. And several buckets of plain water changed once a day. Feedings are twice a day. Only treats given are a handful of peas, corn, barley, oats, flax meal, apples every now and then. Probiotic as needed....once every 1-3 weeks. They forage all day everyday in a grassy yard about 1/2 acre for all 8. No food/water at night due to short time cooped and wetness in the bedding. So with this being said, am I over supplementing?
Thanks for everyone's input and advice. I was going to start the potato mash BUT I took a look at her foot and made the bold choice not to do anything 2 nights ago and yesterday morning Lily's foot looked better! Yay! (Vet said no Bumblefoot but poss infection due to thorn when we saw him) This morning her foot doesn't look worse but swelling decreasing. So as an RN with prev vet asst background I'm conservative with treatment and want her body to heal itself. Since I have seen an improvement I'm going to do nothing. The only reason I was pretty aggressive before was that she was limping, the amount of crud I got out was crazy, and that was before the increase in swelling! In most cases no matter what living creature you are, but when you get the object out and rid the area of pus and garbage swelling will temp increase but decrease faster if all is clear. Lily's didn't. Even after a few days which is why the increase for concern.
As for their diet, I don't feel we are over supplementing. Layer feed for layers, flock raiser for 2 month olds. 1/2 gallon a day in a bucket of vitamin water for all 8. And several buckets of plain water changed once a day. Feedings are twice a day. Only treats given are a handful of peas, corn, barley, oats, flax meal, apples every now and then. Probiotic as needed....once every 1-3 weeks. They forage all day everyday in a grassy yard about 1/2 acre for all 8. No food/water at night due to short time cooped and wetness in the bedding. So with this being said, am I over supplementing?
Your feeding program sounds very good to me, PrayingMantis. There is a range of management options, and if yours is working, then go with it. I find that I make adjustments based on health, behavior, and season.
Your feeding program sounds very good to me, PrayingMantis. There is a range of management options, and if yours is working, then go with it. I find that I make adjustments based on health, behavior, and season.
so happy to hear your seeing improvement, that's great news and sounds like your approach is a lot like some of us on here. I probably spend way too much money on my flock but I spend a lot of money on my dogs and on my dh and I and to me it's worth it to do all I can to make sure we all stay as healthy as possible. good job for hanging in there with her.

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