Sick Kittens in SC- Updated...In tears as I write


11 Years
May 20, 2008
lexington, SC
Yesterday one of the wild cats around here brought us 3 sick kittens. Their eyes were all matted up and the eye ball itself is cloudy in both eyes. This morning she brought us 1 more. We cleaned up their eyes and I put some bactracin in each eye. They also sound a little chesty. Mother is being fed and one of the bigger kittens actually lapped up some milk last night. The eyes are what is bothering me, running pus etc can't be good.
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We had a litter brought to us with the same symptoms. Our vet prescribed bactracin too. However one of them was so far gone that she was blind in both eyes, we ended up having her put down and two others lost sight in one eye. If possible you really want to have them seen by a vet. Hopefully they aren't too far gone.
They are no more than 3 weeks old so hopefully we caught it in time. Remember these are stray cats...I would not be able to talk my hubby into that expense so whatever we can do for them will have to be enough. I was actually surprised he suggested picking up food to feed them...
Sounds like what some of our barn kittens get. I use a pinkeye meds I find in the large animal section at our local farm supply store. Good luck!
watch for runny nose and sneezing as it could be an upper respiratory infection. mine all started with goopy eyes. no big deal and the vet can only give something for secondary infections from it. if it ends up being a uri get some vetrx and steam the kittens. and i don't mean cook them. if it's just an eye infection make a cup of tea(reg. black tea) and wipe their eyes with that as well.
Try to call your vet and see if they will give you a dosage for penecillian (sp). You can buy the injectable pretty cheap at the feed store, and give it to the kitties. They will definately need antibiots, they can drown in their own mucus. Also they will loose eye sight if the eye infection is not taken care of asap. The "clouding" that you see is scar tissue already developing or ulcers on the eye, which leads to blindness. If you want to help them, you will have to spend a little money. Good luck
I wish I had time to run to Lexington today. I actually have some drops on hand to treat this. I'm going to be at the village tonight. Could you meet me?

At 3 wks I wouldn't give them cow's milk. They probably can't digest the lactose. Give them KMR, or goat's milk.
It sounds like an Upper Respiratory infection with uveitis. If it is uveitis, that can only be treated with precription eye drops from a vet. Dont give the kittens cows milk, they cant digest it and it can give them diaherreah. Use KMR. Also, are you going to take them to the vet?

I would not be able to talk my hubby into that expense so whatever we can do for them will have to be enough.

Since your husband doesnt want to take them to a vet, I would search out a cat rescue in your area, as im afraid, without proper vet. care the kittens will probably die. Usually a cat rescue will take the kittens in, no charge, get them the proper medical care, and adopt them out to loving homes. Good Luck.​
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I have prescription eye drops for the vet. Thats what I was offering. I have two bottle in our medical kit.

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