Sick Kittens in SC- Updated...In tears as I write

Sounds like what my vet calls "cat cold". It is caused by a virus (a strain of herpes but humans can't catch it) and it is incurable. If it is, they will carry the disease their entire life but can live normal, healthy lives with possible occasional outbreaks. We have had a few strays over the years with this. Anyway, if that is what it is, you are just going to have to treat the sytmptoms as they happen. My mother has a stray she feeds who is blind in one eye due to this. Good luck with them.
PLease contact a cat rescue or local shelter for a foster home. These kittens need medical treatment. I am glad your trying to help them.
I'm seriously considering getting traps since there are at least 8 wild cats here and that is not including the kittens from this spring.
When we moved here 2 years ago there were about the same number so they must be passing on sickness and a good majority of the litters are not making it, probably due to the eye probs and the respritory infections. So this weekend I will start rounding them up and take them to Pets Inc., a place off I-26 I just heard about. They don't kill them but treat medically and then find homes for them.'s where we are now with the kittens....Found antibiotics at the local feed and seed...hubby is picking up on the way home.....but they don't have the prescription drops for the eyes so I will need to borrow those from the lifesaver who posted before me. I really do appreciate everyone's advice and help with these little guys.
Bless you for taking the time to help them. I have 4 fuzzy little guys in the office with me right now! So cute! They are about the same age as yours. I have one with goopy eyes as well, but no other symptoms. Keep us posted on how they are doing, and could we see a pic?
I'm seriously considering getting traps since there are at least 8 wild cats here and that is not including the kittens from this spring.
When we moved here 2 years ago there were about the same number so they must be passing on sickness and a good majority of the litters are not making it, probably due to the eye probs and the respritory infections. So this weekend I will start rounding them up and take them to Pets Inc., a place off I-26 I just heard about. They don't kill them but treat medically and then find homes for them.

That is very nice that you are thinking about doing that. You will be a hero to those poor cats. Good Luck.
We made a little place for them to stay warm and protected...was actually the box my eggs were delivered, thanks Mike...I thought for sure the Mom would drag them off but she's leaving them I figure she's really worried about them too.

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