Sick Kittens in SC- Updated...In tears as I write

That is terrible! I would keep some food and the box out, just in case they made it. I'm sure Momma Cat tried her best to keep the dogs away from the babies, and they could just be hiding somewhere, terrified. You might see them in a few days. Keep us posted!

Don't give up hope! She may have sent the kittens into hiding and lost her life trying to keep the dog away from them. Be prepared to take care of them yourself.

The momma kitty that I just lost wouldn't give up her struggle to get to her kittens until DH went out and brought them in. Then she settled down to rest but, it wasn't enough.
I'm in tears as I write this...DH found parts of the kittens when he came home. We're pretty sure a dog got them...he's talking about sitting up tonight and watching for the dirty rotter that killed them.
It didn't take long to fall in love with the little guys and he's pretty upset about this too.
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I am so sorry. My heart breaks for you. I have to tell you this story, maybe it will help. I had 2 litters of kittens, just a week apart by sisters. They were all in one spot. A coon came in and attacked. We found pieces of kittens. I was just heartsick. Later that day my hubby called me at work and said he was outside when he heard a little meow coming from behind the step! Momma had been able to save one. We named him Lucky and brought him inside to keep him safe. Spend some time outside when it is quiet this evening, there could be a Lucky out there for you too! Remember you did a great thing. Hang in there.
Oh I am so sorry this happened to you! It doesn't take long to get attached to those little fluffballs.
Please don't blame yourself for this. I hope your DH finds out what did this. If you find the dog, trap it and call Animal Control. You might want to save the bodies for the AC officers to see and help make your case. I hate to sound crass, but if they are faced with what you had to deal with, on your property, maybe they will be more likely to do something about it. KWIM?

Again, so sorry this happened to you.

So sorry about the kittens and momma cat. Sometimes the circle of life is hard on the heart. It's even more hard when it happens to those that are so young.

So tragic. And so maddening. Those poor little babies, and a no doubt frantic mom doing all she could to save her little ones. What a horrific way to die. There are no words.

I'd really like to have it out over things like this with whoever is 'running the planet'. I'm pretty sure I would find no explanation satisfying enough - worthy enough - to explain innocent little beings experiencing such terror and pain.

I really really hope you find the dog or dogs.


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