Sick Peahen

Probably a good idea. If the pus is there, that means i could be in her sinus, and getting it out is something you should talk to a vet about.

Probably a good idea. If the pus is there, that means i could be in her sinus, and getting it out is something you should talk to a vet about.

Just back from the vet, didn't get much help, i told her i was giving her Tylan for 4 days and she asked me to continue, but i told her she isn't getting better! And she doesn't want to get the pus out! What would suggest Kathy? Should i start giving her Baytril? I weighed her today, she is 3.8 kg. If you want me to get the pus out i could try. I prefer to go with your suggestions not her.
Getting the pus out is tricky and I'm afraid I don't have the experience required to offer any advice. Might be best to leave it alone for now and see if somehow it resolves on it's own?

Alright, i guess i will wait a few days more and see what will happen.

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