Sick Peahen

Couldn't agree more, I have brought in 10 new birds from 5 different places in the last 7 months and we've had no issues. Quarantine, observation, and parasite control are procedures that we live by.
I usually isolate the new birds, but this time they were many so i isolated only 10 of them because i don't have enough pens.
You say this has been going on for a long time, right? What drugs have you tried already, and what drugs do you have on hand?

You say this has been going on for a long time, right? What drugs have you tried already, and what drugs do you have on hand?

Yes, it the third or fourth week for her, i have dropped Tylan in her eyes today, and if i remember right the vet also injects her with Tylan 2 weeks ago. I have Batryil also, and if there is specific med I could get it tomorrow from the vet if he have it.

I also have Sulfa, Amprolium and this one:
Yes, it the third or fourth week for her, i have dropped Tylan in her eyes today, and if i remember right the vet also injects her with Tylan 2 weeks ago. I have Batryil also, and if there is specific med I could get it tomorrow from the vet if he have it.

I also have Sulfa, Amprolium and this one:

I am anxious to hear what Kathy recommends, and I defer to her when it comes to medications, she knows her stuff a lot better than I do. But if it were me, I would go with the Baytril, since the Tylan has not been successful, and the Trim/Sul, looks like a Cocci/E-Coli (Digestive tract issues) med.
Thank you, i hope so, by the way she is the one which laid a soft egg last month and all her next eggs were infertile.

That generally happens with my hens, I think we spoke about it before. If one lays a soft egg, she will stop laying or will lay infertile eggs for many weeks after.
When the vet gave the Tylan shot, did you give her anything else the next day? If not, you might want to give her Tylan orally. Do you have Tylan 200? If so, maybe try giving her 0.6ml per kg orally twice a day. If Tylan doesn't work, I'd try Baytril.


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