Sick Peahen

So glad it was nothing serious you need a break.

Can't wait to see the new baby's

Wished i could hatch out some but i have to wait till after i go get my pretty's .

I showed this peahen to my vet last week(he doesn't know much birds), at that time her eyes were looking normal, he says she doesn't look sick, and just gave some vitamins, now she looks worse, she will open and close her mouth all the time, she still could eat and drink normally most of the time.

Here is her poo, any ideas?
.... infectious coryza drop of tylan into the eye !

Flight from infected dust in too dry and too closed aviaries!
I do have Tylan and most of the meds on hand, now i always have a bag of meds of everything i could need someday

This peahen was opening her mouth like this last most, and giving her some antibiotics she starts to look normal, but now she is doing again. Dany we got a bad dust storm last week, maybe this is what close her especially.

This Vet i don't think he can do a test, the next one is 1 and 30 minutes far from me.

There is maybe one or two peafowl breeders in my area but most of them lived so from me.
Could be so many things. Would be best to have an avian vet look at her. Since she was sick already, I would be very suspicious of this:

What antibiotic did you use last time?

I will visit our vet again tonight, but he don't much about birds, he is the only vet available here. I don't really remember the name of the antibiotic, maybe it was Terramycin?!

I dropped one drop from Tylan in her eye today, also put this in their water:

I think its the same as Terramycin.

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