
Mar 26, 2017
Hello all, I need help and advice urgently please!
I have a 13 week old chick who isn't very well. He is a silkie polish cross, not a heavy bird for sure. I noticed on Wednesday he seemed unlike himself, he's usually a perky sweet little guy. But he seemed to be getting pecked at more than usual, he wasn't up to "fighting" with his brothers and seemed unsteady on his feet.
Yesterday, Thursday, during the day his condition got worse, I isolated him from the other chickens into a cage with hay, food and water. He cannot stand anymore, when he does he gets exhausted and starts panting, his legs don't seem to move properly especially his left side, wing included. He stands, going forwards and back trying to get his balance, but gets tired. He also seems to make gurgling sounds. Infection maybe?? He did get wet when he got caught in the rain while I was out maybe one or 2 days before he started showing signs of being unwell. His condition is the same today, I'm making sure he's still eating and drinking water with added vitamins and Epsom salts. I have been giving him a couple drops of Covonia medicine every few hours and been feeding him a little scramble egg, soaked bread and a little nectarine today (his favourite). I also dab a bit of Vics 'gel' on his beak and near his ears. No other bird has these symptoms, but his silkie "brother" had wry neck at 5 weeks old, if this has anything to do with it. His poop looks pretty normal. I am awaiting some antibiotics.
Does anyone have any idea what could be going on? Any solutions? He's such a sweetheart, I just want to help the little baby. TIA

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I'm making sure he's still eating and drinking water with added vitamins and Epsom salts. I
Epsom salt is a laxative...

Might be Marek's or a respiratory infection or both. :(

Did his brother recover from the wry neck?

You are throwing way too many meds at this bird that aren't made for them and have little to no effect. You don't want to mask symptom. You want to correct them. :confused:

What is the antibiotic you are waiting for? What are you feeding regularly including supplements and treats? Where did these birds come from?

Hope he recovers quickly! :fl
Epsom salt is a laxative...

Might be Marek's or a respiratory infection or both. :(

Did his brother recover from the wry neck?

You are throwing way too many meds at this bird that aren't made for them and have little to no effect. You don't want to mask symptom. You want to correct them. :confused:

What is the antibiotic you are waiting for? What are you feeding regularly including supplements and treats? Where did these birds come from?

Hope he recovers quickly! :fl

I was advised to give Epsom salts as it also flushes toxins in the body. I give him near to nothing of it. It hasn't made his poops runny.

His brother recovered from wry neck pretty quickly.

The antibiotic is a chicken specific one that is for their over all heath.

He's eating his regular food: chick feed with sunflower hearts and a little bread in the morning (less than usual though) and a tiny bit of scrambled egg.

The birds came from an acquaintance who sells fertile eggs. I have no knowledge of the parents or the birds' background.

He seems to be standing more today and attempting to get out his cage.

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