Sierra Mountains-Gold Country-Foothills

I'm pretty sure I'm opting out of corn this year. I'm adding BOSS, but wondering what else will up their heat?suggestions welcome!
Costco still has organic layer crumble so is time to stock up.

We started the trench Out to the coops. My dd and I made it 25 feet and pooped out. Maybe we will make more progress tomorrow :rolleyes:

Now I'm off to candle the basque eggs in the mini :lol:
. Their layer and our table scraps are currently organic. We are off of gmo food unless I maks a whoops somewhere. So since I process sometimes we are trying to keep the chickens clean food as much as possible.
How did everyone do with the cold snap? We got about 6" to 8" on the ground here (outside of Nevada City) last Friday night, but it was the cold snap the following couple days that really put the pinch on. New water line to the chickens burst, then the well head froze. But all's well that ends well. Gave the chooks a whole bale of rice straw in their run and upped the feed - they weren't very interested in their usual foraging grounds cuz of the snow. Egg production fell by at least 50% - but hopefully will pick up again with this warmer sunny weather.

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