*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Alaskan, Sour keeps trying to put himself an "normal" together, as if there were some sort of relationship between the two. Every time he does, I expect my motherboard to overload and fry itself.
Sourland - normal, Sourland - normal, Sourland - normal, Sourland - normal -------------------------------------------------------- ad infinitum.
BUNNY! Don't even joke about that. I will say this, though, I found that if I have one of my really bad headaches, standing outside in sub-freezing air, in my gown will give me almost instant relief and usually, it doesn't come back. It confuses everybody else around here though.
It's icing pretty good out there. I think I will go out and stand in it. How long does it take to freeze to death?

Step back from the pine tree, step back from the pine tree NOW!

I have large white pines flanking the West side of my driveway. The ice 'prunes' them yearly. I'm guessing trees in your area have not endured a 'nature's pruning' recently. Good luck.
BUNNY! Don't even joke about that. I will say this, though, I found that if I have one of my really bad headaches, standing outside in sub-freezing air, in my gown will give me almost instant relief and usually, it doesn't come back. It confuses everybody else around here though.

I could always send you a video of the full moon dance - the steps are relatively easy to learn.

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