*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Beware the room, beware the brownies - come to the moat for the 4/20 celebration.
Yes the brownies are "special brownies" ones that are made special because it makes you trot to the little house out back if you don't have indoor plumbing, otherwise you trot down the hall and you are part of the royal family since you are on a throne, made of porcilne....
Dude, don't choke. I'm telling you.

You choke, and Em will use it as an excuse to attempt mouth-to-mouth

I mean even if you manage to survive, you'll never be the same.

If you really gotta have some brownies today, you're better off just
going to the store.

For your own safty
out of respect to MFB I refuse to choke near em, I'd want mouth to mouth for longer than allowed, I may be old, but I am a rooster on the prowl.

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