*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

I just found out that my dad is in the hospital right now!!!!!!!
he's in a lot of pain in his back and stomach and he just had surgery on his knee on Friday.
he's sleeping now but please pray for him!!!!!!!!!! I need to go now.............
I'm well Tani. I had a wonderful couple of weeks, and feel very refreshed.
How is everything there?

That great!
Eh, I'm supposed to get tested for arthritis today, but the doctor got sick, so... ah well. Life is pretty awesome otherwise. Filling out forms to go on a retreat next week.

Java, did they find out whats wrong with your dad? Prayers said, hope everything is OK.
[COLOR=008080]Sour, I like to stick to what I'm good at. I'm a great flirt. [/COLOR];)  [COLOR=008080]If it were a job, I'd be pulling down a 6 figure salary. [/COLOR]:lau

:eek: But,.. but,.. but,... thats illegal!!! (well except in Vegas)
But i'm pretty sure its illegal in NC..

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