*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Hey, Orps!

Sorry to hear about your hens. It's always the good ones, isn't it?

Alaskan, the last thing anyone needs would be for JD to "perfect" his technique. If he gets any better, the glitter would be thicker than the worst blizzard I've ever seen (I haven't always lived in the sunny South, y'know).

Gee, does this mean that JD is going to have to play with his glitter by himself? How sad.

But at the moment, I'm a little worried about the fact that we haven't seen our Broody Magician yet today. It was awfully cold for dancing last night, you don't suppose . . . .
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It is not yet the 21!

So, this was practice dancing? Didn't he already practice?

Is he too old to remember how he did it all the times before? :lau

Orp....... All raptors suck! Sorry for your loss.
Oh Orps, I'm so sorry!
A hawk tried to get one of my little bantams but my mother stepped out on her porch at just the right time and saved her. For some reason, when I let my chickens out of their pen, they head straight for my parents property... Mom said today, they consider it their vacation home...

JD, you seem to have the sparklie down pat...don't think you need to practice too much! Just watch where it flies!!!

Alaskan, how does Cereal Chiller sound too blood thirsty? I thought cereal was in milk?
and milk is white....white like SNOW!!

OH where oh where has Sour gone?
Oh where oh where can he be?
With his full moon dancing, lets
all hope cops did not seeeeeee.......

Full moon dancing takes precedent over the winter solstice - dance was conducted last night - all bits and pieces are non frosted. Thanks to all who attended. You know who you are, and so do I.
Alaskan, self sparkling is never mentioned in the Kingdom - umm, I ------------
Hey, JD, what's going on - got a day off? Hi, Orps, sorry about that hawk dining on your silky.

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