*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

is it bad, that I looked at those awesome photos and thought "I wonder how good the food was" ?
is it bad, that I looked at those awesome photos and thought "I wonder how good the food was" ?

The food was amazing, actually. Got to be quite the chore to keep the actors from eating the props.
Cake for a teatime scene, homemade bread for a breakfast scene, more cake and cute pastries for a tea shop scene, cranberry juice cocktail and sweet tea as stand-ins for wine and whiskey...
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Well Orps is back with her clumsy self i have a broken ankle of course yesterday they put a plate and 5 screws in so i figured might as well come back on here and see whats up with yall
Well, Howdy, Orps!

Sorry to hear about the ankle. You must have done quite a job on it, to have needed all that hardware. Hope it heals up quickly!

Gee, now you can set off metal detectors, like the one outside of the cafeteria at the high school . . . .
I went roller skating with some friends about three weeks ago and I started sliding and then I fell and all my weight went on my left ankle I broke it in two places and thanks yall guys
Oh Orps..so sorry, I know all to well about those plates and screws. I hope you get well soon. From my experience, it's worth having it done.
Here's mine..share yours?


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