silkie chicks- one dead, one acting dead?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Sep 26, 2011
I have 4 silkie chicks and 2 young silkies. Right now I have them in a big rabbit cage for quarentine and because my other roosted doesn't like the silkies. So I went to let the silkies out of the cage (they are only in there at night) and I found two dead chicks. The other silkies were all excited to see me and were stepping all over one of the dead chicks when suddenly the chick jumps up and starts peeping and running around like the rest. By the time I carried the cage to where I let them out, the chick was on it's side like it was dead again. I set the cage down and it jumped up and staggered a bit. I took it out and away from the other chickens, it seemed pretty weak and unstable, but I put it in a box with food and water and it acts completely fine. Eating and drinking and peeping. Is this something that they do, or is there something wrong with it?

The other chick is definitly dead
Two days ago it had poopie stuck to it's butt feathers, so when I picked it up to clean it up, clear saliva (?) came pouring out of its mouth. when I set it down, it walked over to the corner alone and just stood there instead of eating. I should have seperated it then, but it started acting normal shortly after.

Any of this sound familiar? Not sure what to do. The poor lil thing is in a box all by itself.

Just my experience, but I had a hard time with real young silkie chicks (day olds to 2 weeks). I learned the hard way - when they start staggering and acting like they're dying, they're probably dehydrated. So if you've got real young ones and they start staggering, best thing to do is dip their beak in water - a lot.
I don't know about the clear stuff coming out of its beak - never seen that before and wonder if it's water that's not being absorbed...? I'm really sorry for your loss -
thanks.. it was pretty sad. The one that was acting weird, who I put in the box, is acting fine today. Peeping a lot wondering why it was all alone. I put it in a cage but in the pen with the others so they can see each other.

Two are 2 1/2 months old and the other 4, now 3 are 6 weeks old. Not really sure tho. The silkies almost look full grown and the babies look like babies lol But they've been together since they all hatched. I did notice last night tho that one of the bigger ones was getting aggressive with the other bigger one, so maybe something like that did happen.


I would seperate the younger ones with some sort of divider if you can. Make sure they are getting food and water. Sounds like they are getting bullied by the "teenagers".
Let the little ones grow some and then you can put them all together again.

Cute Silkies. Good Luck!

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