Silkie Feathered Ameraucanas adventure

YELLING WITH EXCITEMENT ...... There are FIVE more pips that I see! 6 have hatched and there are 5 more pips! OMG, I can't believe this! I need a fainting smilie ......
Having tried to hatch the first generation I can completely understand and agree with your excitement. That is just incredible and you are now my hatching hero
So let me get this straight... I haven't read it anywhere on the entire 6 pages of this thread that I just re-read.

This was a Splash Silkie Am roo over Black Am (and 1 Blue Am) hens?


Then you'll put another silkie am roo over the pullets and put the blue roos from this hatch over silkie am hens correct????

It will be awesome to see where this is at next year.

I just wish I knew who got the wheaten silkie pullet from up in the holler......

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