Silkie gender wattle question


In the Brooder
Apr 15, 2022
Hi, I'm just wondering if anyone with silkies can help with this. I've never had them before but decided to get a few. I went to a place that had 13 week old ones advertised as unsexed. I noticed that each of them had very obvious wattles so I didn't get any. I went to another place this time they were 9 weeks and there were about15 available, only 2 that I couldn't see any wattles on. They were also supposed to be unsexed. I bought those and another with small wattles. When I got home I noticed that one of the others had very small wattles too. I am in Australia so not sure if there is some sort of difference with Australian silkies. Just wondering if it sounds like these places are all selling sexed males as unsexed or if maybe by these ages you would expect to see some wattles in both genders? Thanks for any help.
Hi, I'm just wondering if anyone with silkies can help with this. I've never had them before but decided to get a few. I went to a place that had 13 week old ones advertised as unsexed. I noticed that each of them had very obvious wattles so I didn't get any. I went to another place this time they were 9 weeks and there were about15 available, only 2 that I couldn't see any wattles on. They were also supposed to be unsexed. I bought those and another with small wattles. When I got home I noticed that one of the others had very small wattles too. I am in Australia so not sure if there is some sort of difference with Australian silkies. Just wondering if it sounds like these places are all selling sexed males as unsexed or if maybe by these ages you would expect to see some wattles in both genders? Thanks for any help.
Any obvious wattle growth on a young Silkie is an indicator of male gender. Females will develop wattles just before laying and that’s only in the beardless varieties. If you have bearded Silkies you may never see wattles on a female and very minimal on a male. This is because the bearding gene inhibits wattle growth. Hope this helps!😊
This is my adult male Silkie. He is bearded and you can see he has very minimal wattles. He is the only Silkie I have of any age that has visible wattles.
Thank you so much LadiesAndJane. That makes it very clear. Most of the 9-13 week olds that I saw had wattles bigger than the hen in your last photo. I'm glad that I only got 3. I can't see any wattles at all in one of them so I still have hope for 1 girl. I think that I may need to stick to buying already sexed girls as it is so annoying being told that there is a 50/50 chance of females and driving a fair bit only to find that they are all boys. I'll attach photos of the two that have no wattles that I can see and very tiny wattles. Won't bother with the 3rd as it's a clear boy. If you could take a look at them and tell me what you think that would be fantastic. The first 3 photos are of one and the last 2 the other they are 9 weeks.


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Thank you so much LadiesAndJane. That makes it very clear. Most of the 9-13 week olds that I saw had wattles bigger than the hen in your last photo. I'm glad that I only got 3. I can't see any wattles at all in one of them so I still have hope for 1 girl. I think that I may need to stick to buying already sexed girls as it is so annoying being told that there is a 50/50 chance of females and driving a fair bit only to find that they are all boys. I'll attach photos of the two that have no wattles that I can see and very tiny wattles. Won't bother with the 3rd as it's a clear boy. If you could take a look at them and tell me what you think that would be fantastic. The first 3 photos are of one and the last 2 the other they are 9 weeks.
I see a pair. First a pullet and second a potential cockerel :)
Thank you so much LadiesAndJane. That makes it very clear. Most of the 9-13 week olds that I saw had wattles bigger than the hen in your last photo. I'm glad that I only got 3. I can't see any wattles at all in one of them so I still have hope for 1 girl. I think that I may need to stick to buying already sexed girls as it is so annoying being told that there is a 50/50 chance of females and driving a fair bit only to find that they are all boys. I'll attach photos of the two that have no wattles that I can see and very tiny wattles. Won't bother with the 3rd as it's a clear boy. If you could take a look at them and tell me what you think that would be fantastic. The first 3 photos are of one and the last 2 the other they are 9 weeks.
Sorry I didn’t see your message till now I was working. 😊
You quite possibly could have a pair but they also may be two pullets. You’ll need a few more weeks to be certain.
They both look very feminine to me anyway.
The only way to get sexed Silkies at this age would be if they were DNA tested and that brings the price way up, if it’s even available in your area.
Nice looking birds.🥰
Thanks so much, I really appreciate your opinions. (especially since you are both leaning towards at least one pullet) and i'm happy that they still could both be girls. Will be interesting to see what they turn out to be. They were so dirty in those photos, I had just got them home and they obviously had not been too well cared for. They have had a wash and are so much prettier now. Thanks again :)
I currently have 2 Silkies, both are bearded. I thought I had a pair, but my cockerel laid an egg one day. So it took me MONTHS before I knew for sure. If you do have a cockerel, it may be that you won't know until you hear crowing.

They are VERY cute! And I agree you have at least 1 pullet as she is showing zero signs of being male. The other is questionable.

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