silkie Rooster cross breeding with rhode Island Red?

They will mate with the bigger hens, i have a silkie roo who mated with my bigger RIR's all the time and this is what came out
they dont look as good as they do now, they were 8 weeks old on those pictures and the little red one on the bottom was 5 weeks old thats why he or she looks smaller.
Btw my silkie roo is Splash Blue, and well my RIR is red ofcourse so Idk where do those whiteish chicks got the color from, but none of them are silkiie fetather.



Can I see them now or full grown
We ended up with a silkie rooster. I am glad we have it and the kids want to try to get babies. Do I need to worry about the rooster "mating" with my Rhode Island, Americauna or barred rock chickens?
I just hatched a whole set of Rhode Island Red crossed with my black Silkie rooster ! This is the result ! Will be interesting to see how they mature.


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