Silkie Rooster Questions


11 Years
Apr 12, 2008
Fort Covington, NY
I wasn't sure where to post this query.. So I hope its in the right place..
I was given these 2 silkie roo's.
1 has a brighter red comb than the other.. and that seems to be the more verbal one. I haven't heard the darker comb roo crow at all..
Anyone know the reason for the different comb colors ?
The both are black, but I do notice some red in there, especially on the one with the darker comb.
Can anyone give me more information on the coloring or type of silkie they are ?
They are adorable, The one with the redder comb seems to be more skittish.

Thanks in advance.



In this picture you can see my blue silkie hen with them.


I've gotta be honest, I've never seen a comb like that on a silkie.
They're cuties, but I suspect there is some other breed mixed in......
Thanks.. The only silkie I have every had is my blue silkie hen.. So don't have a clue about the roosters. I thought the guy that gave them too me said they were pure silkie.. But I will ask him again, maybe I misunderstood.
Those look to be pure Silkies to me, just PQ (Pet Quality) ones.

They may not be the frou frou ones that you usually see, but that doesn't mean they aren't pure.

OP, the reason for the different colors is probably just genetics. There really isn't anything you can do to change it. Same thing with their comb sizes.
I have a silkie rooster that I've had since a chick. He is now about 6-7 months old and still not crowing. He hardly ever makes noise at all....
Just wondering if that's normal
I have a silkie rooster that I've had since a chick. He is now about 6-7 months old and still not crowing. He hardly ever makes noise at all....
Just wondering if that's normal

How do you know he's a rooster??Silkies are very hard to sex. My one crowed at 4 months and the other one hasn't crowed at 6 months .... yet. I'm hoping mine is a hen

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