silkie sexing


Can anybody help me sex my silkies?

Closer pics would help but from this picture I'm guessing your white is a roo.
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Hi, can you please help with genders: around 8ish weeks.
Looks like the bigger picture of the partridge is a roo. The partridge to the top right and the white one look like pullets to me. I can't tell if there's 3 or 4 silkies in your collage. Close up individual pictures would help.
thank you, I'll grab them later and try for better pics, I think theres 4, I have 2 that look very alike :) thanks.
Finally got my little flock of silkies! Picked up the black (ish) and buff this weekend! Petrie the showgirl should be around 16 weeks, I think johnnie-bird the buff is closer to 8, and gretyl the black is probably 18-20 weeks. Any guesses from my crappy pictures?





Okay, I hope I got them ok :) I think I'm missing a couple but this'll do I'll try and separate on the weekend :)


[/IMG]so I have this silkier who I thought was a female. There is no crowing coming out of her but there are also no eggs coming out either. My other to girls lay an egg a day and are always in there boxes. This one though, perches and is a lot more skidish. Can some one please tell me if this is male or female......Thank you everyone!
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