Silkie thread!

Gorgeous pair and fabulous photo!!

I was finally able to view the slide show of your silkies growing. It is fabulous! The settings were so nice & the chicks sooooo cute!!

Yes, It's great! Funny how they look almost identical for so long!
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Be careful....they are addicting! Pictures?

lol thats what i hear also hear there is no stoping the multiplying between them..
they came from a friend of a friend of mine (whom i dont know) im getting better looks at them today

poor things are caked with poo on thier feet a and have mites
they have HUGE egg casings on thier neck and wings

the lady had way to many and needed to downsize..
they seem so thirsty also one has already drank so much she upchucked it right back up.. oh i feel terrable for these guys..
at least i know they will be taken very much good care of from now on..
poor things

working on pictures and names
Be careful....they are addicting! Pictures?

lol thats what i hear also hear there is no stoping the multiplying between them..
they came from a friend of a friend of mine (whom i dont know) im getting better looks at them today

poor things are caked with poo on thier feet a and have mites
they have HUGE egg casings on thier neck and wings

the lady had way to many and needed to downsize..
they seem so thirsty also one has already drank so much she upchucked it right back up.. oh i feel terrable for these guys..
at least i know they will be taken very much good care of from now on..
poor things

working on pictures and names

Wow nice of you to take them on. Sounds like you have some work ahead of you!! There are many knowledgeable people on this thread that can help with good advice if you need it. I hope you are isolating them from your current flock. I hope all goes well for you. Silkies are such fun but so vulnerable. I am such a "twit" with mine as I know they can't protect themselves. I have learned a lot from people on this thread. Blessings to you! Please keep us posted on their progress. Before and after pictures are always fun.
alright so i was soaking their feet to help uncake there feet and i found a string wrapped around my roos foot REALLY TIGHT TOO!!!!
i got it off but WOW!! how can that go unknoticed??? i sware some people!!! UGH!!!!! alright here some pictures
they seem to me that they are going in to a mult..
HERE THEY ARE!!! i might need some help with names
i was thinking jarome for the rooster..
female # one she was acting like she has not seen water in months


here is female #2 she was LOVEING her warm foot soke


and here is my roo
he wasnt so sure about the water.. almost thought i was tring to drown him.. hes now in my lap resting his eyes in a towel


here is the string i found on his toe


i mean look how long was that on to do this to his toe poor fella... after i got it off he seem to relax a lot more
that warms my heart that he knows im tring to help him.

they are all seperated i have them in the house until i can get them the treatment they need and to get use to us holding them they where never really socalized so to have him fall asleep in my lap makes me sooo happy..
thanks for the welcome and i will surely be needing help since they are my first..
i was surprised it looks as good as it is i was for sure thinking he was going to have an infected toe

he will be as spoiled as the rest of them
he is now with his ladys...

no no flea bath yet i need to run to the store.. cant until my kids get out of school..
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