Silkie thread!

Sharing a picture of my sweet little baby...

Love your chicks...mine look exactly the same, same colors and everything but were hatched Nov 30-Dec 1... (where were the eggs from?) mine were from Catdance Silkies. The weather has been so warm so my babies get to go out also for the first time and again today.
Sorry if this is a silly question...but why do you need to trim the beak for the shows? And how do you do it? What should the beak be aiming to look like? Do you always have to trim?

The northwest GA poultry show is on feb. 4 ... I am not entering but will be going to check it out. If I was entering how early should you start to prepare a bird for a show?

I have been reading some posts about getting ready for a show and they simply say..yes, just bath them, trim nails and beak..and...WHAT? Trim nails and beak? That is a little daunting for someone who has never done that before...
Its not as bad as it sounds and is not always necessary. It really depends on how the birds are housed. If cage kept with no access to get out and scratch around the need for trimming goes up.

When they are kept in a way that allows for behaving like a chicken their natural propensity for scratching around and pecking with their beaks keeps them from over growing. I have a couple of primas that think its beneath them to scratch in the dirt so their nails do need trimming from time to time. But never their beaks.

And just like with your finger nails you have to stop before hitting the quick, yes, the beak has one too. On most birds you can see it but if in doubt trim a small piece one day and go back a few days later and trim another small piece. Keep doing that until they are the right length.

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