Silkie thread!

Love your chicks...mine look exactly the same, same colors and everything but were hatched Nov 30-Dec 1... (where were the eggs from?) mine were from Catdance Silkies. The weather has been so warm so my babies get to go out also for the first time and again today.

Thanks. Yes mine will be going out again today too. They are already dancing!
Mine are from CJ's
Love your chicks...mine look exactly the same, same colors and everything but were hatched Nov 30-Dec 1... (where were the eggs from?) mine were from Catdance Silkies. The weather has been so warm so my babies get to go out also for the first time and again today.

Thanks. Yes mine will be going out again today too. They are already dancing!
Mine are from CJ's

Oh cool! I gave my CJ eggs away after I received them as I realized I already had a lot of chickens for the city!!!!
wish I kept them now and just sold on the chicks I didn't need...
Its not as bad as it sounds and is not always necessary. It really depends on how the birds are housed. If cage kept with no access to get out and scratch around the need for trimming goes up.

When they are kept in a way that allows for behaving like a chicken their natural propensity for scratching around and pecking with their beaks keeps them from over growing. I have a couple of primas that think its beneath them to scratch in the dirt so their nails do need trimming from time to time. But never their beaks.

And just like with your finger nails you have to stop before hitting the quick, yes, the beak has one too. On most birds you can see it but if in doubt trim a small piece one day and go back a few days later and trim another small piece. Keep doing that until they are the right length.

Thanks...why do people keep their birds in a cage? Is it to keep their feet feathers in tack ect? Do people keep them in cages full time or only when a show is coming up?
Its not as bad as it sounds and is not always necessary. It really depends on how the birds are housed. If cage kept with no access to get out and scratch around the need for trimming goes up.

When they are kept in a way that allows for behaving like a chicken their natural propensity for scratching around and pecking with their beaks keeps them from over growing. I have a couple of primas that think its beneath them to scratch in the dirt so their nails do need trimming from time to time. But never their beaks.

And just like with your finger nails you have to stop before hitting the quick, yes, the beak has one too. On most birds you can see it but if in doubt trim a small piece one day and go back a few days later and trim another small piece. Keep doing that until they are the right length.

Thanks...why do people keep their birds in a cage? Is it to keep their feet feathers in tack ect? Do people keep them in cages full time or only when a show is coming up?

Different people do different things. Some keep their birds cage kept all of the time to keep their feathers in condition, others only put them up a couple of months before a show, some not at all. If I showed, I would be the last type. I need for my birds to live like chickens so being in a cage for anything other than illness or injury just doesn't work for me.

The biggest issue for females is leaving them with a male that is breeding them, that damages the feathers more than just about anything else they can do themselves.

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