Silkie thread!

I did it online, so I don't know what the ipad app has, but I first used the Hdr option under effects, then I went to artsy and used ones like impressionist, underpainting, and oil painting. I used the sunburst effect on the yellow one of ice, then I think I used impressionist but it's fun to play around with the different settings!

Don't have all the options but I made this
I did it online, so I don't know what the ipad app has, but I first used the Hdr option under effects, then I went to artsy and used ones like impressionist, underpainting, and oil painting. I used the sunburst effect on the yellow one of ice, then I think I used impressionist but it's fun to play around with the different settings!

Don't have all the options but I made this
Try Instagram as well :) I love it!
I have 6 silver partridge girls, no boys. The only roos I have are black, white & partridge.
I have them in with the black roo now, what can I expect?

I can't seem to find a silver partridge rooster anywhere.....
Lovely pics!

Can anyone share if there is a silkie only buy/sell/trade forum? I am in Arkansas and need a few silkie pullets but am having no luck on this site, thought you guys might know the best thread to jump on. Thanks!
Lovely pics!

Can anyone share if there is a silkie only buy/sell/trade forum?  I am in Arkansas and need a few silkie pullets but am having no luck on this site, thought you guys might know the best thread to jump on.  Thanks!

There doesn't seem to be one that I am aware of. Finding silkies is like being on a treasure hunt...they are hidden jewels. Silkies take a long time to sex. Folks often don't part easily with pullets once they figure out which ones are the girls. You may want to consider going to a poultry show and check the sales area. You may also think about purchasing unsexed chicks and then rehome any Roos that you might receive.

I did it online, so I don't know what the ipad app has, but I first used the Hdr option under effects, then I went to artsy and used ones like impressionist, underpainting, and oil painting. I used the sunburst effect on the yellow one of ice, then I think I used impressionist but it's fun to play around with the different settings!

Thanks. I'm out of town and will pull out my laptop to go online. I'm also going to try Instagram on my iPhone/iPad.
There doesn't seem to be one that I am aware of. Finding silkies is like being on a treasure hunt...they are hidden jewels. Silkies take a long time to sex. Folks often don't part easily with pullets once they figure out which ones are the girls. You may want to consider going to a poultry show and check the sales area. You may also think about purchasing unsexed chicks and then rehome any Roos that you might receive.
Thanks for the reply. We hatched in the spring and only ended up with one surviving silkie - a boy, so we are looking for him some ladies. We had other breeds and had more than 50% boys so that is why I am on the search for girls. Too hard for find homes for boys and my kids certainly won't eat them. I may have to resort to Craigs list which I do not want to do. I would rather locate on this site as most folks here seem to be in love with their animals and want to care for them well. Who knows what comes from Craigs list.
Is this a normal walnut comb? I googled it to see, but couldn't really tell. I thought they were more wrinkled, like a brain. I'm not keeping this guy, I don't think, but want to know as my other's are growing their combs. Thanks!
I often have combs that start like this but always develop more lumpiness as they age.

Anyway, now Im wondering too, if I should just stick with bantams from now on (?) Thats kind of what I was leaning towards. Im afraid now if I get full size chickens they will pick on my little silkie. I just have to see how my Russian Orloff Rooster will do with my newer baby silkie for a while. Im hoping that if he doesnt pick on her too much that would be a good sign that I could get some more bantams, tho I would love to get a golden laced Wyandotte. I had a silver laced one named Millie that passed away and she was a sweetheart. I cant say that for my buff Wyandotte that turned out to be a rooster. At 4 months he became a problem when he started trying to jump on my white silkie. Thats why I started to suspect he was a rooster and I posted his pic on here and it was confirmed. BOO HOO its a ROO! Fortunately I found a home for him yesterday. He was supposed to be a hen, and so was my Russian Orloff. Im too attached to him tho, and Im keeping him so Im praying that he will be a mellow rooster. None of my older Barred Rocks are picking on my new bantam Easter Egger, but one does pick on my new silkie a bit. Its not too bad, the silkie just avoids that one and she doesnt chase her so its managable. Its like a soap opera trying to figure everyone out. Would trying to hatch 6 new bantams be too many at once?
Sure! You have a great outdoor set up. Mixing silkies with larger fowl can be great or not so great. Go slow but understand that it is risky...
More pics of my baby girl
anyone think she could be a dark splash? That would be awesome!

I love her color but think she is light blue.
Just found this website, I think a lot of you would like it! It's, here is what I made:

Great fun!! I have a computer program that does this also.
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Lovely pics!

Can anyone share if there is a silkie only buy/sell/trade forum?  I am in Arkansas and need a few silkie pullets but am having no luck on this site, thought you guys might know the best thread to jump on.  Thanks!

I'm afraid that we are in the same boat...I'm on the search too!
I'm afraid this is going to be harder than I thought.....

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