Silkie thread!

Quote:Originally Posted by peepblessed

I live in the CA mountains. Gets down in the teens here. I hatch all winter. They will go out side at about 7 weeks and have a light for about a week. Then nothing... Haven't lost one yet. I do small hatches as I understand that too many piling on top of each other can cause some suffocation of the smaller ones. Also my home gets down in the 50's at night so they are used to some cold. I turn the light out at night at 4 wks. indoors. It helps build their feathering.

So it sounds like you keep them inside at first. I do that when I buy chicks that are already 3 days old. I was wondering if they would be ok outside in my coop. It seems like chicks that are hatched by my silkie in the coop are more readily accepted by the other chickens rather than introducing them later. Much more drama and stress that way. Like I said I can heat my coop up very nicely. I put one of those flat panel heaters in it with a theromostat. And lights and plugs and fans and a timer.
( Everything has to have lights and plugs when you're an electrician!) Now I just need muzak.

Anyway, now Im wondering too, if I should just stick with bantams from now on (?) Thats kind of what I was leaning towards. Im afraid now if I get full size chickens they will pick on my little silkie. I just have to see how my Russian Orloff Rooster will do with my newer baby silkie for a while. Im hoping that if he doesnt pick on her too much that would be a good sign that I could get some more bantams, tho I would love to get a golden laced Wyandotte. I had a silver laced one named Millie that passed away and she was a sweetheart. I cant say that for my buff Wyandotte that turned out to be a rooster. At 4 months he became a problem when he started trying to jump on my white silkie. Thats why I started to suspect he was a rooster and I posted his pic on here and it was confirmed. BOO HOO its a ROO! Fortunately I found a home for him yesterday. He was supposed to be a hen, and so was my Russian Orloff. Im too attached to him tho, and Im keeping him so Im praying that he will be a mellow rooster. None of my older Barred Rocks are picking on my new bantam Easter Egger, but one does pick on my new silkie a bit. Its not too bad, the silkie just avoids that one and she doesnt chase her so its managable. Its like a soap opera trying to figure everyone out. Would trying to hatch 6 new bantams be too many at once?
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No joke, i've been going thru the same thing for months now. My older ones which are standards-except two(Lola-Lacy banty cochins) do just fine together. My younger ones that are polish and ee's a month later has had some issues but not a whole lot in some time now. i had a REALLY hard time mixing both ages which are not even a month apart!!! they've been together now for about 3 or so months now. they seem to be fine but when they are out they stay in their respective clicks...older ones, polish and ee's. they are just now starting to lay, got our first blue egg today!!

so with all that said just introduce them very slowly...don't leave them alone, stand and be ready to seperate them immediately. if you can let them all be on neutral territory, introduce them, stand guard. a little sqabbling is normal, but if they just jump and fight without letting up, or if you see blood-don't despair, gather them up-seperate them. Try again..eventually they will be able to be together-hopefully. it took mine a long time before i could let them be together unsupervised. good luck!! beautiful girls!!!
When I expanded my coop I put a gate in the middle so I could keep them separated and so they could get used to each other, it worked out well. I accidently left it open and I came home and thought OH NO but as it turned out they all got along ok, except for Apricot, which now is in a new home. So I didnt have to stress too much about introducing them, but its allways a crap shoot I think.

Thats funny, they DO hang out in clicks huh?? Chicken tv is great isnt it? Who needs HBO anyway?
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Lol....we all know what you mean...have you read ' the $64 tomato' ?
I spend prob $50 a week on my girls and I am about to have someone build me a new fancy chicken Christmas present to myself...
So where is the 64 dollar tomato story? The people at Anjans think Im nuts, I'll go in there once a week and buy 50 dollars in meal worms. I spent 150 bucks at the Tractor STore yesterday. Im so glad Im not alone. I love this website. I just had my neighbors come over they wanted to show their freinds my Holiday Inn chicken coop. I tell everyone I know thats interested in chickens about this website, of course I told them too.
Sue he is very nice, would love to have some of his offspring they would be so cute!!!!!!!  A nice addition to my splashes :)

Thank you Carolyn :) I love splash too. I love spots! I need to get him set up with his own girls. I would really like to see what his babies will look like. I will have to take some recent pics of him and show you, he is getting fluffier.

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