Silkie thread!

It's all sinking in. Trying not to let it consume me. Trying to look to the future, but missing all of my beloved pets...

It comes in waves. Thank you for asking.

I can't imagine that the pain will leave anytime soon. Prayers and hugs still going your way.
Looking forward to more of your amazing photography.
I have washed several at hatch because of yolk glue, etc. What's critical is to use very warm water and never let them feel chilled. Never expose a wet chick to cold or even warm air. Towel dry well, blow dry and put under warm light.
Ivermectin is an excellent wormer; that is its predominant use. Killing mites and lice is a side benefit, albeit one that I, and many others use it for.
Me too!
I'm behind on reviewing the posts, I've been drinking myself nuts trying to find a good automatic door battery/solar powered, any suggestions would be soon appreciated.
Wow helmet is too cute.
Your pup is amazing, I've never seen another like him.
The mama cow and calf are sweet and beautiful. You must be awed to be around such creatures.
The bathing puff balls are adorable. I take it you like chickens on your plate and lap. Those names are cute

Drinking yourself nuts?? LOL
This whole weekend was just terrible. I lost my uncle (stepmom's brother) sunday night. He passed in his sleep from unknown causes. He was only in his early 30's. Then your devistation happened at the same time
then I almost caught my dryer on fire and someone else on here had their chickens killed by a fox. This weekend was BAD luck.

OH NO :( And only 30's. How terrible! I'm so sorry

I posed this question to the Silkie group on FB- but gonna put it here, too for opinions. It would probably go int the brooder section on BYC, but it applies to Silkie personality. Here it is:
Tossing something around in my mind. I have some chicks due to hatch soon (fingers crossed!). We have mice. I'm afraid they will contaminate their food, or hurt them while they are tiny. SOOOO. I'm thinking about bringing in a 9 month old pullet to stay with them to foster them, and keep the mice away (they will still have a heat lamp on one side. It's a really big thing. Anyway. This is the only one that has come close to being broody. She sits on her eggs maybe a day or two, then loses interest. I hope she takes them under her wing. I'll need to watch them carefully, in case she pecks them, esp on the head. Wonder if the chicks will be so desperate to be with her, they won't get under the heat lamp? Guess I will find out! Anyone every put a pullet that hasn't had a babies with chicks? Someone said that a friend of hers had a grown Silkie get pecked by mice piece by piece... I had thought mice wouldn't go near grown silkies- but I was wrong! agh. Allergic to my cats, so I can't bring them in. Plus, the mice have poison in their system. I did it as a last resort, it's helped some. I worry about a new thing every day over those chicks! My first hatch (knock on wood) I can't close the whole brooder if I could close the top completely. Trying to figure out a safe way to clamp the heater with door closed. Worry, Worry, Worry. I didn't worry this much when I was pregnant, I don't think!!

Thanks, Pam

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