Silkie thread!

Here she is ! The other one wont be still but she is like her twin sister !

So Cute she does look like my Silkie Cross. I believe mine is a silkie x Ameraucana (maybe cochin mixed in) not positive. Here is a better pic of her.

Cute cute! About how big are your silkie crosses? I have a few that are silkie Ameraucana crosses and I'm wondering how big they might get. They're smaller than the others now at ~3 months. Thanks!
My chicks are so cute and active now!
Whether they're experiencing the joys of green grass with their Mama..

Being brave in the face of danger (danger's name, in this case, is our lab, Luke)...
Or just soaking up some warmth in the brooder house...

...these chicks manage to look adorable doing it. I can't wait to see how these babies mature. I already see some of the cutest little bonnets, so I know my girl with the big bonnet crest is most likely the mother of a lot of them.
Cute pictures!

This is probably a silly question, but what does cat dance mean?
And AKA.

Catdance means one of the top Silkie breeders in the country, IMHO. Catdance is the name of her farm. Her BYC name is kelar

AKA usually means Also Known As
There is a BYC member who breeds Silkies and she calles them Cat Dance silkies. I believe he had a horse named Cat Dance and when it passed she started raising silkies and the Silkies then occupied Cat Dances horse stall. So she started calling them Cat Dances Silkies.
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Ok here are the pics of what look like streamers to me. What do you all think? Girl still?

I hope it shows. These were taken with my camera phone. The first set off pics are from 2 weeks ago. This bird is about 4 months old.
They could be streamers but my pullets sometimes have a crest like that with a few feathers slightly longer and it takes me forever to figure out whether they are girls or not.
My chicks are so cute and active now!
Whether they're experiencing the joys of green grass with their Mama..

Being brave in the face of danger (danger's name, in this case, is our lab, Luke)...
Or just soaking up some warmth in the brooder house...

...these chicks manage to look adorable doing it. I can't wait to see how these babies mature. I already see some of the cutest little bonnets, so I know my girl with the big bonnet crest is most likely the mother of a lot of them.
Really cute chicks!

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