Silkie thread!

Sounds like you have a good treatment going. I had one chick that could only look down. I did Pedialite and Vit E(2 drops 2x a day) for 2 weeks. And now she is perfectly normal chick and can look up. So it can be corrected
Just an update on my little, wry neck silkie:
She has not shown any improvement, unfortunately. She is kept by herself in a pet carrier with a towel over it. She sleeps mostly and sometimes rolls around disoriented. This is the 3rd day that I've been giving her extra vitamins to her food. (electrolytes/Vitamins, Vit B12, Vit E and selinium + a dusting of prednisone.) She will not swallow from a dropper so I continue to wet her food down until it is almost a paste. I try to get her to stand and then straighten her neck in my right hand. Then I hold the dish in front of her beak. Sometimes she won't even open her eyes to eat.........other times she sees the food and pecks hungrily at it. (Maybe 4-5 good beakfuls). Then she goes limp and curls up again & I try the process all over again (maybe 2 or 3 more times) until she just doesn't seem to have the energy to keep her eyes open. This is done about 6X a day. I really hope to begin to see improvement. She is pitiful and helpless and would starve to death if I didn't force her awake.
Just an update on my little, wry neck silkie:
She has not shown any improvement, unfortunately. She is kept by herself in a pet carrier with a towel over it. She sleeps mostly and sometimes rolls around disoriented. This is the 3rd day that I've been giving her extra vitamins to her food. (electrolytes/Vitamins, Vit B12, Vit E and selinium + a dusting of prednisone.) She will not swallow from a dropper so I continue to wet her food down until it is almost a paste. I try to get her to stand and then straighten her neck in my right hand. Then I hold the dish in front of her beak. Sometimes she won't even open her eyes to eat.........other times she sees the food and pecks hungrily at it. (Maybe 4-5 good beakfuls). Then she goes limp and curls up again & I try the process all over again (maybe 2 or 3 more times) until she just doesn't seem to have the energy to keep her eyes open. This is done about 6X a day. I really hope to begin to see improvement. She is pitiful and helpless and would starve to death if I didn't force her awake.
It took my friend's baby a week to show improvement. We are using the Poly-Vi-Sol without iron baby vitamin and this has worked great, only a slight tilt now and she is active and eating on her own. Wet her food so it is watery rather than just a paste so she is also getting water, she may be dehydrated which is why she is so weak. I would try the poly-vi-sol no iron drops rather than mixing your own vitamins. Your choice to use prednisone but we didn't need it and i'm cautious about using drugs with babies. If you use a dropper you can put a drop at the tip of her beak and it will funnel into her mouth (like a quill pen), we gave 2-3 drops 4 times a day and also add some into the food and also give her some cooked egg yolk.
So happy my only paint hen has finally decided to lay an egg after six months of wry neck! !!! her neck is even starting to look better this eekend i am putting in the breeding pen with my black roo!!!
It took my friend's baby a week to show improvement. We are using the Poly-Vi-Sol without iron baby vitamin and this has worked great, only a slight tilt now and she is active and eating on her own. Wet her food so it is watery rather than just a paste so she is also getting water, she may be dehydrated which is why she is so weak. I would try the poly-vi-sol no iron drops rather than mixing your own vitamins. Your choice to use prednisone but we didn't need it and i'm cautious about using drugs with babies. If you use a dropper you can put a drop at the tip of her beak and it will funnel into her mouth (like a quill pen), we gave 2-3 drops 4 times a day and also add some into the food and also give her some cooked egg yolk.
I think you are probably right about hert being dehydrated. I've watered the feed down to more of a soup consistency and will administer more frequently. When I try to give her liquid with the dropper she just shakes her head and goes into a twisting seizure.
If I try to dip her beak she does the same thing. Plus I'm concerned the liquid could roll into her nostrils because she still isn't able to straighten up completely with me assisting her.
x2. I would not give the prednisone. Can you try dipping her beak in the vitamin water and see if she drinks it on her own. Mine did not like the dropper, when I started just dipping her beak in she did drink it. Keep it up.
I will gladly quit the prednisone.....I'm not comfortable giving meds either but had it on hand and was feeling desperate.

As for the Poly-Vi-Sol I ran out using it previously on a different silkie (who didn't make it) last year. My DH doesn't want me to spend the $8 for this wry neck chick since he thinks it won't make it. I feel that the electrolyte/vitamins & added Selinium, Vit E and Vit B12 should do the trick. Is it true that they can't overdose on vitamins? I'm praying to see some sign of improvement soon. It's very frustrating but I hate to give up on her. She must sense my discouragement because just when I think she won't wake up and eat, she perks up and gobbles a couple mouthfuls.
I think you are probably right about hert being dehydrated. I've watered the feed down to more of a soup consistency and will administer more frequently. When I try to give her liquid with the dropper she just shakes her head and goes into a twisting seizure.
If I try to dip her beak she does the same thing. Plus I'm concerned the liquid could roll into her nostrils because she still isn't able to straighten up completely with me assisting her.
I will gladly quit the prednisone.....I'm not comfortable giving meds either but had it on hand and was feeling desperate.

As for the Poly-Vi-Sol I ran out using it previously on a different silkie (who didn't make it) last year. My DH doesn't want me to spend the $8 for this wry neck chick since he thinks it won't make it. I feel that the electrolyte/vitamins & added Selinium, Vit E and Vit B12 should do the trick. Is it true that they can't overdose on vitamins? I'm praying to see some sign of improvement soon. It's very frustrating but I hate to give up on her. She must sense my discouragement because just when I think she won't wake up and eat, she perks up and gobbles a couple mouthfuls.
They can definitely overdose on vitamin E, you don't want to give too much. He really doesn't want you spending $8? Are you putting the liquid on only the tip of the beak? They don't like it but they will drink it after a few tries. You could try adding a little sugar to it. Don't give up on her, we didn't think the little one was going to make it either but she did and she had it very severely, head was completely twisted upside down and dragging on the ground. Definitely give the egg yolk, that is what really seemed to boost ours's recovery.
I recently picked my chicks up from the post office. all 28 of them were healthy and running around, i originally ordered 26 but i guess the extra two where for just in case a few died while shipping. there are two black and the rest are either blue or buff.

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