Silkie thread!

I've had my Catdance cock with a trio of pullets for two months. I've got two broody hens setting on some and I put eighteen in the incubator. I have two more White boys waiting in the wings to mature a bit before giving them a go. This one cockerel is Sheryl Butler breeding. I hatched him out on Dec. 31, 2012. He is only six and a half months old! Hes been crowing since four months old and trying to breed since five. He is rough and inexperienced with the girls but his type is so spectacular I'm switching out with the Catdance boy. He needs a rest anyway.
Took him out of the pen as is. Dirty and and broken foot feathering. Still....I am so happy with the way he is coming along. Meet Mr. Big Foot. Named by my then two year old Grandson.

His cushion has been trimmed. I'm really looking forward to chicks by this guy.
Oh my! He is beautiful!!
I cried reading thru your story. So happy it has a happy ending. What a beautiful chicken coop!
Thank you, and I'm sorry I made you cry!
He came from a breeder and she said that she showed him and saved the best show one for me. He is soaking wet and covered in red watermelon juice. For such pretty birds they sure are messy.
The prettier the bird, the messier they are ;)
Thought I'd share some pictures from last evening. The silkies are hard to tell apart in age now. I have two groups that are 2 weeks apart in ages. Younger group 8 weeks, older group 10 weeks.

This is my favourite one. She is adorable.

I have quite a few whites growing out, but they are not free ranging yet, so hard to get good photos. I'll be moving them outside this weekend. They are 5 & 6 weeks old. I normally would have moved them already, but we had a cocci scare and I put it off.
Omg i want some of your babies. They are beautiful
Thought I'd share some pictures from last evening. The silkies are hard to tell apart in age now. I have two groups that are 2 weeks apart in ages. Younger group 8 weeks, older group 10 weeks. This is my favourite one. She is adorable. I have quite a few whites growing out, but they are not free ranging yet, so hard to get good photos. I'll be moving them outside this weekend. They are 5 & 6 weeks old. I normally would have moved them already, but we had a cocci scare and I put it off.
Thought I'd share some pictures from last evening. The silkies are hard to tell apart in age now. I have two groups that are 2 weeks apart in ages. Younger group 8 weeks, older group 10 weeks.

This is my favourite one. She is adorable.

I have quite a few whites growing out, but they are not free ranging yet, so hard to get good photos. I'll be moving them outside this weekend. They are 5 & 6 weeks old. I normally would have moved them already, but we had a cocci scare and I put it off.
Aoxa, I love looking at all your photos! I have to ask, what type of camera do you use? I used to shoot with a Nikon D700 while in the military, and after looking at the cost of said camera, I am setting my "wants" much lower and looking at the D90 or D200. Your photos are so stunning, I may just copy your camera! lol.
I still have to feed my puzzling silkie, Thunderhead.  He acts like a normal chicken, but doesn't do much more than peck at food without swallowing it.  He's been on Corid, antibiotics, had surgery to get the feeding tube he swallowed out of his crop, and has no symptoms of anything anymore.  He's gained back the weight he lost thanks to handfeeding, and has normal chicken poops, but I do have to watch him for dehydration.  The vet wonders if it's neurological or possibly depression since he's been alone.  So, since there are no symptoms of any illness, I brought over Ella to stay with him.  She's a little five month old pullet who didn't really hang out with anyone in the coop and is way too timid to try to bully anybody.  She really likes him and they're never very far from each other in their pen in my mud room.  In fact, she gets upset when I take him out to feed him, calling loudly until I put him back.  Then she pecks him gently on the back and rubs her head all over him.  Thunderhead has started drinking a bit on his own, but not eating yet.  He's happier, though.  He was so quiet and just hung around in the back corner of the pen preening and looking around.  He's a lot more active since she joined him. Now if she could just teach him that food is very good to put in your mouth and swallow because I'm beginning to wonder if this is neurological. 

There is a lot to be said for the health benefits of companionship. Bless his little heart.
Aoxa, I love looking at all your photos! I have to ask, what type of camera do you use? I used to shoot with a Nikon D700 while in the military, and after looking at the cost of said camera, I am setting my "wants" much lower and looking at the D90 or D200. Your photos are so stunning, I may just copy your camera! lol.
Wow yeah, my camera is much cheaper than that! ;)

I get asked that a lot. I have it book marked because it is hard to remember to write it just so..

EOS Canon Rebel T3 with EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS kit
The lens is separate and is: Canon EF-S 55-250mm f/4.0-5.6 IS II Telephoto Zoom Lens

Total cost of both would be less than 1/3 of your previous camera!

I find it suits my needs very well.

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