Silkie thread!


My poor white hen, Plain Jane, has sat on 24 eggs. All are developing nicely. Two days ago, I found Penny sitting in there too! Jane puts in the hard work and dedication, and Penny just swoops in at the end! I candled today and everyone is dark and veiny. No quitters so far...Im thinking theyre almost done

My poor white hen, Plain Jane, has sat on 24 eggs. All are developing nicely. Two days ago, I found Penny sitting in there too! Jane puts in the hard work and dedication, and Penny just swoops in at the end! I candled today and everyone is dark and veiny. No quitters so far...Im thinking theyre almost done

Is that silkie rooster really that much bigger than those hens? Or is it just the way the picture makes him look?

My poor white hen, Plain Jane, has sat on 24 eggs. All are developing nicely. Two days ago, I found Penny sitting in there too! Jane puts in the hard work and dedication, and Penny just swoops in at the end! I candled today and everyone is dark and veiny. No quitters so far...Im thinking theyre almost done
That is hilarious. I wonder if they will raise chicks together or how that will work out?
Fancy, I have a question. I have a mixed flock, Silkies and 3 Buff Orps and one of the BO hens has something going on that I could use some guidance on. First off only one or two of the three hens have been laying lately, with one exception a few days ago when all three laid one day. The gal in question eats like crazy, is not lethargic, or in any way acts sick, but I noticed her behind looks raw, sort of devoid of feathers and her feathers on her back appear different than the others. I noticed one of the other hens pecking at this one's backside and I'm not sure what's going one. No one else is showing the same signs. I haven't seen any bloody or abnormal poop and I've checked. Any ideas? I know it's hard to see anything but here's her back end.
A molt will interfere with laying and her saddle looks a bit like that. With the vent issue , mites can cause staining around the area and also annoy the birds so much that they go off the lay. Check 2 inches below the vent for any signs of lice or mites. If the pecking gets out of hand remove her from the coop. They are little raptors after all.
That is hilarious. I wonder if they will raise chicks together or how that will work out?

Ive had past hens raise a clutch together peacefully. The hens either know who belongs to who and they raise them seperatly or the chicks just get two moms, which is awesome protection. This will be their first time being mommies, so ill be watching closely. :D

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