Silkie thread!

Has anyone ever had any aggressive Silkie cockerels/roosters?

oh yes I have one right now that I have to keep separated from the others. But he is just other rooster aggressive. He's not really aggressive towards me, but any other rooster he goes nuts. But I think that is pretty normal, the dominance thing and all. My only real problem with him is that he crows at all hours of the night and day. I think he is trying his darndest to let the others know he is #1, even if he doesn't get to interact with the others.
My LF laying flock took a 3ft snake away from the cat. The snake was still wiggling and they had it torn into parts and were fighting over it in no time at all. I didn't see near as many snakes around last summer, but found several pieces at different times.

Well that's impressive! Do you have many venomous snakes around your area?
Well that's impressive! Do you have many venomous snakes around your area? 

I don't see many, but yes we have Copperhead, Timber Rattlers, and the occasional wayward Cotton Mouth. At my house the only poison snake I've seen was a dead copperhead left on my sidewalk. That was before I got chickens. My husband has always brought big black snakes home and turned them out in our woods. I did have a broody bantam in the coop and her eggs were slowly going missing. My thought was one of those black snakes was conning in for dinner. I moved her and the rest of her eggs into the garage and solved that problem. I never saw it, but started feeding the LF flock near the bantam coops.
That is awesome that your chickens kill the snakes! You don't have to worry about snakes stealing your eggs! My chickens have killed and eaten a mouse but that's the biggest thing they've killed.
Has anyone had two silkies go broody at the same time and hatch out babies together? Will they fight over them? or will they raise them together peacefully? My two girls hatched out two babies so far and I am worried about them getting hurt.
Has anyone had two silkies go broody at the same time and hatch out babies together? Will they fight over them? or will they raise them together peacefully? My two girls hatched out two babies so far and I am worried about them getting hurt.

I've had hens co-hatch many times. It usually ends well . I have 2 hens mothering one chick ATM. Only problem is they both ' tidbit ' her and I think she's eating twice as much as she should.
I've had hens co-hatch many times. It usually ends well . I have 2 hens mothering one chick ATM. Only problem is they both ' tidbit ' her and I think she's eating twice as much as she should.
Ok, so you think it'll be ok to leave the babies with them both thank you very much! Should I put them somewhere else? because I have them in the nest box in the coop. I put food & water in the nest box and blocked it off so others can't come in.

Here are my girls with their baby!
They've hatched two so far! I will try to keep posting pics!

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