Silkie thread!

The brooder is about 92-ish. She is lonely, I know. The other chicks are leghorns & are 3 weeks old already. They were pretty mean to her, so I pulled her out & she's in a crate next to them, but not actually with them. I have been taking her out to hold her a lot, & she calms down with me, but still chirps. The quality of the chirp is different, though. She'll be asleep, nestled in my hand, making little chirping noises. It's her favorite place to be, apparently.

My Silkies use the nestboxes to seclude themselves when they are molting.  My chickens get lethargic and have less appetite and don't want to be handled while losing feathers with new quills growing in - it's very uncomfortable for them and they just want to be undisturbed.  Of course they are not laying eggs during this time and at first we mistook it for broodiness until we realized they were molting.  This time of year however in the USA is the season for brooding and that may well be what your girl is doing.  When Silkies are heavy layers and then stop and are broody I let them sit an empty next for 3 or 4 weeks to give their bodies a rest.  We just make sure to give them vitamins, take them out of the nest for exercise and dust baths and to eat/drink before they go scurrying back to their empty nest to brood every day.  All our girls like the exact same nestbox to brood in.  Silly girls!
Thank you. she seems to be ok she likes me to hold her and talk to her. I will just let her sit in the nest box she does come down occasionally mainly for scratch

Hello! Can full silkies be frizzled, or does that only happen with crosses? I have a pure silkie whose feathers are coming in completely curled outwards instead of inwards, I took some photos for you but honestly it's more dramatically different than my other silkies than the photos would suggest. She is adorable either way, I was just wondering if she might be frizzled or if some silkies just feather in this way for awhile. Thank you!
The brooder is about 92-ish. She is lonely, I know. The other chicks are leghorns & are 3 weeks old already. They were pretty mean to her, so I pulled her out & she's in a crate next to them, but not actually with them. I have been taking her out to hold her a lot, & she calms down with me, but still chirps. The quality of the chirp is different, though. She'll be asleep, nestled in my hand, making little chirping noises. It's her favorite place to be, apparently.


They have different pitches to their peeps. The contented one is that soft 'preet preet ' can I hop under your wing and get warm ? :)
The brooder is about 92-ish. She is lonely, I know. The other chicks are leghorns & are 3 weeks old already. They were pretty mean to her, so I pulled her out & she's in a crate next to them, but not actually with them. I have been taking her out to hold her a lot, & she calms down with me, but still chirps. The quality of the chirp is different, though. She'll be asleep, nestled in my hand, making little chirping noises. It's her favorite place to be, apparently.

You can tey putting a feather duster in with her. I tried it and it works. They think it is mom I guess. They are so cute and love attention.

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