Silkie thread!

hey everyone so you probably have seen my baby chicks, i have one problem. one of the chicks seems to sleep a lot and i don't know if she is eating. i'v but her in her food and still didn't eat. should i be wearied? the other two are doing fine except that this one and another one have pasty butt. i tried a warm cloth.( it scares me when they are stressed and make load noises)

how do you get them to like you, when ever i'm around they all hide under there stuffed toy?
I think someone said 5 months, a few posts back. My silkie/EE mix started laying at 6ish months.
There's no need to separate the rooster as long as you gather daily. I always crack the egg into a separate dish anyway before using, in case there's something wrong with it.
My silkie's didn't start laying until around 11 months

Here is my flock minus the white rooster. He is a couple months older so i havent intermingled them yet. What do you think? Gray or more of a splash? They are about 3 mo old now.
Your "grey" silkies are blue.
That is a black silkie.
hey everyone so you probably have seen my baby chicks, i have one problem. one of the chicks seems to sleep a lot and i don't know if she is eating. i'v but her in her food and still didn't eat. should i be wearied? the other two are doing fine except that this one and another one have pasty butt. i tried a warm cloth.( it scares me when they are stressed and make load noises)

how do you get them to like you, when ever i'm around they all hide under there stuffed toy?
Just handle them alot, with my baby Silkies I pick them up and hold them all the time.
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hey everyone so you probably have seen my baby chicks, i have one problem. one of the chicks seems to sleep a lot and i don't know if she is eating. i'v but her in her food and still didn't eat. should i be wearied? the other two are doing fine except that this one and another one have pasty butt. i tried a warm cloth.( it scares me when they are stressed and make load noises)

how do you get them to like you, when ever i'm around they all hide under there stuffed toy?

Once my chicks are about 2 weeks old, I start feeding them mealworms out of my hand. This makes they come running up to me and makes them jump on my lap, it really works!
hey everyone so you probably have seen my baby chicks, i have one problem. one of the chicks seems to sleep a lot and i don't know if she is eating. i'v but her in her food and still didn't eat. should i be wearied? the other two are doing fine except that this one and another one have pasty butt. i tried a warm cloth.( it scares me when they are stressed and make load noises)

how do you get them to like you, when ever i'm around they all hide under there stuffed toy?

Sometimes the food granules seem too large for small silkies so I wet their food for the first couple of weeks or grind it up using a mortar and pestle just to make sure the smaller babies can actually eat the food.

You have to handle them quite a bit if they're scared of you so they become accustomed to being handled & being around you. I like to pick each one up several times a day and make my hand like a little cup the silkie can lay in and sometimes use my other hand to cover them up and leave their head sticking out. Your hands should warm them up nicely... mine usually go right to sleep or just lay there looking at me lol.

Good Luck with them!
Adorkable is right. I think the crumbles are too big and then it looks like they're eating but they are not. They're just hungry..For new chicks I have learned to grind up the crumbles. I do that for about 2 weeks.
hey everyone so you probably have seen my baby chicks, i have one problem. one of the chicks seems to sleep a lot and i don't know if she is eating. i'v but her in her food and still didn't eat. should i be wearied? the other two are doing fine except that this one and another one have pasty butt. i tried a warm cloth.( it scares me when they are stressed and make load noises)

how do you get them to like you, when ever i'm around they all hide under there stuffed toy?

Add a few drops of acv to their drinking water and run the water warm and hold the chicks bottom under . Gently loosen any poop with your fingers. Boil up a few eggs , cut them up or mash them with a little plain Greek yoghurt. Check that your brooder is not too hot, pasty butt is often caused by excessive heat and / or dehydration.
I sit with mine , the lower to the ground the better, sprinkle food treats around and let them come to you. Chickens prefer to be lifted from underneath as a posed to being grasped from above, ( predatory thing ). Here's a link with correct temps and other things to look out for. :)
Add a few drops of acv to their drinking water and run the water warm and hold the chicks bottom under . Gently loosen any poop with your fingers. Boil up a few eggs , cut them up or mash them with a little plain Greek yoghurt. Check that your brooder is not too hot, pasty butt is often caused by excessive heat and / or dehydration.
I sit with mine , the lower to the ground the better, sprinkle food treats around and let them come to you. Chickens prefer to be lifted from underneath as a posed to being grasped from above, ( predatory thing ). Here's a link with correct temps and other things to look out for.
thanks so much but it was to late the little chick died. i put my rooster in with the big chickens. scary ;()

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