Silkie thread!

I have a little silkie that was given to me. I was told it is a pullet, but i am beginning to wonder. It is black but has developed a brown collar. Do you think that could mean it is a roo or just poor breeding? I like the little chicken and it will remain a pet no matter what. I will go out later and see if i can see any of the spiky feathers in the topknot. I hadnt noticed that before but i wasnt looking for it. Sorry i have no photos.

I.meant to add that it is at least six months old, maybe older.

It a little hard to say without a pic, but depending on parentage , it could just be ' leakage ' . At 6 months it should be crowing , if it's a cockerel. :)
Post a picture of him/her
A silkie hen or roo shouldn't have
Any brown on them at all.
I would say it's poor breeding.
Post a picture and we will let you know
If it's a hen or roo

Actually when i went out to feed them earlier i witnessed some extremely unhenlike behavior. I am disappointed as i wanted a hen, but looking on the bright side i may get a sizzle or two from the deal. Since it was my little frizzle lady that he was cavorting with.
My new born babies

Gender clarification please. Are these streamers or pin feathers coming in? He/she is 6 months old, no roo behaviors, hangs out with the obvious pullets, and has a small dark comb.

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