Silkie thread!

Lol, I love it! That is awesome! I pray Sid & Stella are that way with me as well
I am sure they will!!! This is my first time having chickens and I think I spend to muck time with them!! lol I have 15 lap dogs!!! I was sitting on my swing cutting up a apple for them and it go to the cure I tried to give it to them and they where like ya right so I cut that up to!!! #spoiledchickens
Cynthia12 just posted a photo of a gorgeous Splash. Paint is more like larger spots so to speak. I have a Paint but right now it is wet and gross because of the weather we're having and this baby seems to enjoy getting yucky. LoL

Thank you! Here is a photo of a Paint. I have a friend that is working hard on her paints. This is not one of hers, just found one I found online. :) Sure is pretty.


Note that it is a ..white silkie..with black spots. The Dalmation of silkies.
Do you know of any in the phoenix, AZ area?

Go to your state thread...AZ..right? Just ask on there. We have a great thing going on in our state. And, from the Idaho border, our neighbor. We call it the chicken train! Anyone coming and going one way or the other, will transfer chicks, chickens, eggs. It works out great. If someone is going North, they can meet up with someone, or, If someone is going South, bring a chick or something that way. I love a gals eggs that lives clear up North of me. She is almost into Idaho. I have had many eggs brought my way from someone coming down this way. And, she has come and we meet the past, to buy some of my chicks. Go to your state thread! If there is no chicken train, maybe you can get one going!

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