Silkie thread!

I have a pair of Silkies. Hatchery stock. My Bantam Lavender AM went broody last fall and hatched out a clutch of eggs, 5 of which were the silkies. I am really curious about what is going on here from the color/genetic point of view. But I will need opinions from the all mighty Sikie peeps
Is it a good idea to post pics and ask questions on this thread? Or a better idea to start a thread just for my little Silkie family?
I have a pair of Silkies.  Hatchery stock.  My Bantam Lavender AM went broody last fall and hatched out a clutch of eggs, 5 of which were the silkies.  I am really curious about what is going on here from the color/genetic point of view.  But I will need opinions from the all mighty Sikie peeps :D   Is it a good idea to post pics and ask questions on this thread? Or a better idea to start a thread just for my little Silkie family?
You can post pictures and questions on here. A lot of people do it and I'm sure you will get your questions answered .
Ok, thanks. So Momma Silkie is named "Pepper" I was told she was a blue Silkie. Pepper is top of the pic here. She isn't much for pictures though :/ Its really hard to get good ones of her. I do have closer up pics of her when she was younger in another thread. I will link it here in this post.

So Daddy Silkie is "Pouf", I was also told that he was a blue Silkie when he was young. But as he grew he showed a buff or tannish color on his neck. So I guess........well I don't know. Lol, anyway here he is. Other than the tan he really does look exactly the same in coloring as Pepper. There are also closer pics of the color on his neck when he was younger on this thread with Pepper. (We no longer have Tootsie that is on that thread)

So, the babies that these two parented are 3 Splash (one was taken by an owl, so we only have 2 left, so sad). And 2 gray babies. One looks exactly like Mom so far and then there is this one......
I am having trouble with figuring out what color to call this baby.........
This Baby is like a solid color lighter gray

Geez, I guess I need to get some better pics of the other 3 babies. Seems I only have good pics of this gray one.

So with the parents having 3 splash, and the 2 gray.......and then not sure what to call daddy (partridge or some mix?) Anyway just hoping to be imparted with a little wisdom. I did used to have some tropical birds many years ago and we did really good with the genetics etc and pairing the right birds to get the colors we wanted, (but we knew parentage) so it interests me. In the future I want to get some better quality chickens of whatever breeds we have. But I don't need to be 'experimenting' at that point. So trying to learn more now. Thanks if anyone has anything to say and I am going to have to get my kids to hold these fast little fuzzy butts I guess so we can have some decent pics
Hello everyone!
i have a silkie that i am trying to sex. I have attached a few pictures maybe you guys can help me out? I have had silkies a few times in the past and its so hard to tell if they are roosters or hens. To me this one looks like a rooster but haven't heard a crow from him. Any help is appreciated! Thank you ^_^

Hello everyone!
i have a silkie that i am trying to sex. I have attached a few pictures maybe you guys can help me out? I have had silkies a few times in the past and its so hard to tell if they are roosters or hens. To me this one looks like a rooster but haven't heard a crow from him. Any help is appreciated! Thank you ^_^

I'm pretty sure that's a boy :) Hope that's good news! -Pam
Doesn't matter to me if its a boy or girl ^_^ they all get treated like royalty here.  And i will be going to the northeastern poultry congress soon so i hope to pick up a few more! I just love silkies

I'd say roo, but it's so refreshing to hear someone say that he'll be treats like royalty anyway. Good on you, enjoy your little man. I love my little silkie Roos , they are such ' spunky ' little guys.
Ok, thanks. So Momma Silkie is named "Pepper" I was told she was a blue Silkie. Pepper is top of the pic here. She isn't much for pictures though :/ Its really hard to get good ones of her. I do have closer up pics of her when she was younger in another thread. I will link it here in this post.

So Daddy Silkie is "Pouf", I was also told that he was a blue Silkie when he was young. But as he grew he showed a buff or tannish color on his neck. So I guess........well I don't know. Lol, anyway here he is. Other than the tan he really does look exactly the same in coloring as Pepper. There are also closer pics of the color on his neck when he was younger on this thread with Pepper. (We no longer have Tootsie that is on that thread)

So, the babies that these two parented are 3 Splash (one was taken by an owl, so we only have 2 left, so sad). And 2 gray babies. One looks exactly like Mom so far and then there is this one......
I am having trouble with figuring out what color to call this baby.........
This Baby is like a solid color lighter gray

Geez, I guess I need to get some better pics of the other 3 babies. Seems I only have good pics of this gray one.

So with the parents having 3 splash, and the 2 gray.......and then not sure what to call daddy (partridge or some mix?) Anyway just hoping to be imparted with a little wisdom. I did used to have some tropical birds many years ago and we did really good with the genetics etc and pairing the right birds to get the colors we wanted, (but we knew parentage) so it interests me. In the future I want to get some better quality chickens of whatever breeds we have. But I don't need to be 'experimenting' at that point. So trying to learn more now. Thanks if anyone has anything to say and I am going to have to get my kids to hold these fast little fuzzy butts I guess so we can have some decent pics
The parents are blue and so is the baby pictured. The tan you are seeing in the dads neck is leakage, which breeders do not want in their birds but if they're just for pets its okay. When breeding blue with blue you will get 50% blue, 25% splash, and 25% black chicks. Hope I helped and if you have anymore questions feel free to ask.
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