Silkie thread!

She sounds like a smart momma, even though it's unfortunate about the remaining egg. 
Just out of curiosity, do you have an incubator to use as a backup? 
Too late now but that egg may have still been good. I've had them leave eggs to take care of chicks and I put the eggs inside in a home made incubator and they hatched! Congrats on the peeps!

I checked the egg the next morning and it was not fertile with a liquid yolk and white. I had suspected that would be the case as, a couple days after I gave the eggs to Arrowroot, I checked three similar eggs; two were definitely fertile and one wasn't.

I don't have an incubator but might make a homemade one in the future for similar situations.

I could have candled the eggs but I had chosen ones with the darkest brown shells.
My silkie stopped sitting... None of the eggs were even close to developed chicks either, so I guess she wasn't broody or just wasn't a good broody =/
That sucks maybe one of your other ones will go broody?
My broody hen and the my other silkies in her coop just ate one of the eggs she was sitting on. She still has one egg under her, but she pecked at it when I put it back under her. This is her first time incubating eggs. Is there a reason she ate it and should I be worried about the other egg?

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