Silkie thread!

I never have shipped across the border but I could look into it and see if it's possible.

As expected, it's a pretty complex procedure, and also expensive because you have to get a USDA certified vet to inspect your farm before they will let you export your birds. Anyway, here's a link to a BYC thread where the process is described in detail. It might be worthwhile if you plan to start shipping birds to Canada on a repeat basis.
Anything female on the cull list gets sold off as pet quality. I have a few people waiting for some from this batch.

The lighter silkies have been excellent for pictures so I've kept them. The blueish hen is a killer mother so I kept her. I'm glad now.
As expected, it's a pretty complex procedure, and also expensive because you have to get a USDA certified vet to inspect your farm before they will let you export your birds. Anyway, here's a link to a BYC thread where the process is described in detail. It might be worthwhile if you plan to start shipping birds to Canada on a repeat basis.

Yeah if I were to ship to multiple people it would be worth it but I do t have a list of people from Canada. Bummer
We just purchased a silkie yesterday. She has 3 other silkies about her age to become friends with. My question is is something wrong with her or is she just acclimating. She won't eat or drink. Ive gotten her to take some water by holder the water bottle to her beak and giving it a gentle squeeze as has my wife, we havent yet seen her eat anything though. Very worried shes a show quality white silkie purchased at a very reputable highly knowledgeable individual.

He has over 100 of them and all amazingly beautiful healthy birds. He was a chicken doctor actually for over 10 years and is with animal planet.​
Are the others preventing her from eating? The stress of moving to a new home is bad enough. Add in the extra stress of other resident birds trying to establish that they are higher in the pecking order, and she may be overwhelmed. My hens will fight with neighbors they have seen every day when I move birds around. They have to reestablish the pen pecking order.

I never add a single bird alone. If I only have one to move, I'll put a hen from the pen she is going to alone with her for several days before adding them back.

I always quarantine birds, no matter who I get them from. Their birds and my birds have been exposed to different things. Either could make the other sick. The quarantine helps a bird slowly adapt to whatever is at your place as well.
There are only 2 others with her currently and they arent being crabby with her at all, they snuggle right up to her they too are new birds purchased the day before. All the same age as well. We have put food directly in front of her and she will look but not eat. Water is as I stated before she will drink a bit if I hold to her mouth and get some onto it but otherwise she is un interested.
I lost an 8 week old chick very fast (overnight) because I didn't take its sudden change of behaviour seriously. It became lethargic, stopped eating, got watery diarrhea and was dead the next morning.

I second the recommendation to isolate this new bird. Not only does this help prevent spread of disease but it allows you to monitor poop, eating, and drinking more accurately. It's also less stressful on the bird, which helps their immune system. When you pick up your chick, can you feel if there's anything in her crop? Does she have poop or wetness near the vent? What have you tried to feed her? It might help to give her a treat food that chickens love, or even some seeds. I've read that they like oats, maybe a bit of plain oatmeal would convince her to eat. If she's not eating at all, then you will need to get some electrolytes into her. The quickest way would be to go to a drug store and buy some Pedialyte. I would start with half strength, fed by syringe. There's also a preparation called Sav-A-Chick which is a vitamin and electrolyte supplement for chicks. I don't know if feed stores sell it, but I've seen it on Amazon.

I would suggest if she doesn't seem any better within 12-24 hours, get her to a vet if you can. Bring a fecal sample if possible.
There are only 2 others with her currently and they arent being crabby with her at all, they snuggle right up to her they too are new birds purchased the day before. All the same age as well. We have put food directly in front of her and she will look but not eat. Water is as I stated before she will drink a bit if I hold to her mouth and get some onto it but otherwise she is un interested.
I experienced something similar with a new Silkie I brought home to introduce to my exsisiting ones, also very close to same age . I ended up separating them, leaving it be for a day or so, slowly acclimated it to me and then once she seemed comfortable, I introduced the other silkies through a barrier, slowly (i.e. Dog crate, coop, etc.)

I know it can be scary! Good luck - I think it'll be fine. Chickens are funny lil' critters.
We have some supplement he gave us to mix into her water. We have gotten her to drink some the way we stated above. We are going out to get her now we are new to chickens and didnt know the half of it when it came to introduction with the flock. We have the original flock of 5 that she and 2 others are quarantined from, but the other 2 silkies are just fine. We also have a flock of 11 7 week olds in another coop that havent been introduced to the originals. We were just under the impression that newer birds shouldnt be introduced for a month or so to the older flock due to pecking order etc. Didnt,know the severity of possible sickness.

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