Silkied Ameraucana Project

Is there anything you guys have found that is best to feed these guys for better feather quality? Feed, supplement, vitamins, etc? What about washing and care? Can they be brushed or blown dried like other silkie breeds?
Lost a lot of eggs last week, so need to find someone to check out my Sportsman. I I did toss the eggs about to hatch under broodies, but put the Silkied eggs and my other AMs under one of my best broodies and she killed all of them. I was devastated.

I have to say, my split pair are producing exactly 50/50. I had 2 hatch almost 2 weeks ago and one is Silkied. They both look to be roos to me right now, but who knows. Depending on how many more I hatch out and what the quality is, I need a Silkied roo, so this one if it really is a roo, will probably be staying.
I need to know.

I mentioned my splits producing 50/50. Would the smooth chicks definitely be splits in this case? I have a cockerel to sell and not sure if he would be useful to someone if he's smooth.
Wolftracks, if your parent birds are all splits then the offspring will be Silkied, Splits and Smooths. The problem is you have to grow out the smooths and test breed them to see if they are split or just smooth. Takes time and more time if you dont have a Silkied bird of the opposite gender to test breed them with....Most things that I have read, folks just sell the smooth birds from the split/split breedings as EEs.

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